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"Here's the room."

We quickly walked into the room where we had been told Cameron was waiting in. Naia's mom got up and came over to talk to us.

"Ah, girls. You took quite a while to get here. Wait, who's this?"

She looked pointedly at me. Right, I was still wearing the disguise.

"It's me, AJ."

"Ah, I recognize the voice, but not the look. What happened on your guys way here?"

"They wouldn't let AJ through the door so we had to go to the store next door and buy her some different clothes and a wig. So that they wouldn't recognize her."

"And you had to buy hippie clothes?"

"No, just felt like it."

"Of course. Did you get Cameron's parents?"

"Yeah. We called his dad, he said he'll come sometime soon."

"Okay good. He's in here."

Her mom pulled back the curtain to reveal a sleeping Cameron. He looked really tired and small on the big hospital bed.

"Mom, when you called earlier you weren't very clear on what's wrong with him."

"Oh, well I suppose nobody really knows. They're thinking he has arrhythmia. That's a heart condition that causes your heart to beat at irregular patterns. But as to why he was sleeping like that, they are still investigating."

Just then a very old looking doctor walked into the room.

"Ah, is this your daughter and her friend. The ones that were with Cameron?"


"I have a few questions for them. Girls, if you'd step next door."

We were motioned to follow him out of the room. So we did.

"What do you want to ask us about?"

"Just what he's done recently. What did the three of you do last night?"

"We watched a few movies, sang and danced. Basically just hung out."

"Ok, that's good. Did you watch any super scary movies? Do any crazy dares?"

"No, we just danced and had fun. Nothing crazy."

"Ok, and what did you eat?"

"Candy and pizza I think. I don't really remember."

"Alright, nothing crazy happened. Has he talked about anything super stressful lately to either of you?"

"Not really, we don't talk a lot if AJ's not there. She's really why we're friends anyway."

"Has he said anything to you AJ?"

"Um... I don't think so. I mean like a week ago he was upset about something with his dad and something. But he hasn't really said anything about stress."

"Alright. We'll see what he has to say about the stress. Because that could be what's wrong. It could have just been a panic attack. A really bad one mind you. But hopefully it's just that and nothing crazy."


We followed her back into the room where Cameron had been laying. He had woken up while we were next door.

"Hey, guys."

"Cameron, how are you?"

"I'm fine. Really, I don't think anything's wrong. I just had a bad night or something."

"We have a few questions for you."

Cameron's face turned from a cheesy smile to a sad frown in seconds. He really didn't want to stay around at the hospital.

"Alright, just as long as we can go soon."

"We want you to stay a while, at least until your dad comes."

"My dad's coming?!"

"Yeah, we called him because Naia's mom said so. He needs to be informed of whatever just happened."

"No, I don't want to see my dad."

"You have to."

"AJ, I know that you think that it's always good to have your parents come, and that they'll make things better."

"I don't think that. I'd hate it if Ricky came right now. But you're the one that had the opposite of a panic attack or whatever. Your dad needs to know."

"You guys are overreacting. I just had my heart rate go down too low. But now I'm fine."

"Actually it's not that simple. Your heart rate went down, but you also weren't waking up. It's pretty serious. Some people die in their sleep. We have to ensure that you are taking the appropriate precautions so that it doesn't happen again. And since you live with your father, it's important that we inform him."

"Why couldn't you have called my mom?"

Why does he care if we call his mom or dad. Does he prefer his mom? If so that's weird. I mean I prefer my mom to my dad, but I have a reason. My dad's in jail, besides it's not like that would matter, my mom's not here.

"Because we didn't. Your dad will get here, and then you can go home with him. It's as simple as that."

"Until then, if everybody could leave the room. We might as well give Cameron some rest time."

The nurse who had been in there waiting led us out. But as I was heading out the door.

"Wait, AJ can you stay with me?"

Everyone motioned for me to head back into the room.


I headed back to where I had been sitting. And sat down.

"What do you want me for?"

"I needed company, and I'd prefer to have you sit with me."


"You're very welcome."

We sat in silence for a while. I really didn't get why he wanted me to sit with him.

"Hey, AJ?"

"Yeah, I'm still here. Have been for...thirty minutes."

"Ok, just wondering. I have something to tell you."



Just at that moment. His dad walked into the room.

"Alright I'm here. What's wrong with Cameron?"

I turned my head and saw him. The man that had haunted my dreams for the past two weeks.

"AJ? Are you okay?"

"Huh, what?"

I'd done it again. Fainted when I started thinking. I really need to get that checked or something.

"You fainted. When my dad walked into the room, you just dropped to the floor. You were out like 30 seconds. It was weird."

"Thanks for that."

I got up and looked around the room. Cameron's dad was standing next to his bed. Everyone else was crowded around me.

Cameron's dad. He was the man that killed Miles. And the one that framed me.

"Sorry, I just need to go outside. I have to clear my head."


I headed out the door. In the lobby I passed so many people. They were either happy or sad. Crying their eyes out, or jumping with joy. A hospital is a place of many emotions. It houses people that are on the verge of death, and those that have just been told that they are going to live for many more years. You can find the youngest people, as well as the oldest. What a place.

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