scared you

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That night I had Ricky drive me to Naia's house. Her mom used to be a famous singer, so they're pretty rich. It's a little weird that they live in this town, but her dad grew up here and didn't want to leave. Her house is really big and fancy. I'd been inside once before for a school project.

I walked up to the front door, and knocked. I was wondering how her parents would react to see me. Do they believe that I did it? Do they agree with Naia? What are they like in general?

My question was answered in less than a minute.

"Hi, you must be AJ. Naia's told us so much about you. And of course, we've seen the news. Don't believe a single bit of it. You can't have done it. You're such a sweet young girl."


"Naia's upstairs. I'll call for her."


She walked inside and yelled up the stairs.



Wow they have an interesting way of getting sound around the house.

There was a lot of running down the stairs, when Naia appeared at the bottom. She wasn't wearing pajamas which I was happy about. I had thought about that possibly being a thing, since it was night and we were going to watch movies. But, instead she was just wearing clothes you can chill in. Jeans and a baggy sweatshirt. Her hair was different than it's normal, instead of sitting on the top of her head, it was falling down past her shoulders. It was really pretty.

"Hey, AJ. Nice top."

I wasn't wearing anything that was different than her. Just black leggings, and an old t-shirt. I had on a denim jacket too, because it had been cold in the car, and I didn't know how cold it was in their house.


"Alright you two head upstairs, and I'll call you when, what's his name?"

"Cameron. Mom, try to remember people's names."

"I'm trying, I'll call you when Cameron comes."

"Thanks. Bye mom."

"We ran up the stairs, and into her bedroom. It was beautiful.

The walls were painted a light blue, and went with the white desk and bed frame. She had a loft bed, with dark blue sheets and a white comforter. Under the bed was a TV stand with a TV on it. Across the room from the TV was a small light blue couch. She had wood flooring, with a light purple rug towards the middle of her rooming. It was so put together and organized. I was almost surprised it was hers.

"I know. It seems very different from me. I picked the colors. My mom just keeps it very clean and she chose the exact furniture. It's pretty nice though. Especially the TV. Just put your bag by the desk and sit wherever."


I sat my bag down by her desk and sat down on the couch. We talked for a while about all sorts of things, roller skating, crafts, sports, school and our families.


"Guess Cameron's here."


"You wait here. I'll go get him."


She ran down the stairs. And I had an idea. I crouched down behind her couch. In a way that when you walked in you couldn't see me.

"This is my room, and AJ's already here."



He screamed so high-pitched. It was so funny. I had no clue he would get so scared. Naia just stood there. She doesn't really ever get frightened. By anything.

The two of us couldn't hold in our laughter for that long though. We both collapsed in a giggle fit.



I asked between laughs.

"You scared me like heck!"

"Sorry, you screamed like a girl."

"I didn't."

"Yeah, you did."

He couldn't hold it in any longer either, he began laughing with us on the floor.

"Alright. Don't we have a movie to watch here?"


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