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"So, are you ready for that skating competition next week?"

"Sure, when am I not ready?"

"I don't know, that one time in kindergarten, when..."

"Oh, you know what? I'm going home."

"Seriously? I didn't mean to offend you."

"No, he needs me to help him with Joey. So, of course I had to say yes." He really works on your mind like that. That's part of the reason why I hated him. We'll get to that later.

"Okay, right, meet at the rink later?"

"Sure, five. I'll be there."

I skated away from Miles, towards my house. He was my best friend. And he likes to be crazy prepared, so it didn't surprise me that he'd ask me about the competition.


When I got home- Let me take this moment to describe my house. It's very old. Or at least it looks like it is. You see, it was only built like forty years ago. But my "guardian" doesn't take very good care of the place. It looks like it's going to fall apart any moment. With it's old, leaky, rotten roof and ugly discolored paint. But, it's home to me. I've lived here since I was born.

"There you are. You're finally home."

"I'm sorry, I didn't know it was urgent."

"Just take the kid. I have to get to work, there's a new item on the menu today. It's gonna be super busy, lucky me."

"It's your own fault you work there. You could have gone to college like smart people."

"Yeah, well..."

I could tell he was going to try and think of a comeback. And that could take hours. Trust me, it's happened.

"Don't you have to go somewhere?"

"Yeah, Joey's upstairs. It's her naptime, maybe you could clean up the place, like a good kid."

"Yeah right, you could be a good adult and clean up the place yourself while you're here all day doing who knows what."

"I have things to do, you just aren't here to see me do them."

"Yeah? Like what? Wait, I don't want to know. Just go to work."

"Fine. Be a good girl and stay out of trouble."

"Don't worry, I won't get in any more trouble than you."

He rolled his eyes and walked away. Gosh, he annoyed me a lot.

"Oh, sorry. Didn't mean to. I just have a lot on my mind."

Let me take right now to apologize. Twelve year old me was very sarcastic, especially towards those I didn't like. Which was mostly my step-dad. I didn't feel like life was fair, and often took that out on my step-father. I know it isn't right, and have apologized to him many times for this behavior.

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