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"Guys wake up."


I woke up to Naia shaking me. I had fallen asleep leaning on Cameron. I quickly sat up straight.

"It's seven in the morning, you need to get up. My mom made breakfast."

"Alright, I'm up."

I stood up, tired, and Cameron just stayed asleep.

"Wow, he can really sleep."

"Yeah, I know."

"Hello, Cameron. Wake. Up."


"Try shaking him."

"Naia, just let him sleep. We'll save breakfast for him, so he can have some when he gets up."

"Alright, but it'll be cold."

"He can heat it up in the microwave."

"That's not as good."

"Naia, let's just go eat."


We headed out of her room and began the descent down her curved, carpeted staircase.

"What did your mom make anyway?"

"Oh, crepes."


"Yeah, she loves baking anything French. Though, her crepes are pretty much her own."

"What does she put on them?"

"Whatever we have in our kitchen. You get to choose."


"What do you normally have for breakfast?"

"Cereal, or toast. Depends what we have."

"Wow, my mom always makes something very fancy. I'd like to have cereal or toast. It sounds so much nicer, and less time consuming to eat."

"That's kind of the point."

"Yeah, that makes sense."

As I walked into the kitchen, I was astounded. It smelled so good. The sweet smell of the thin pancake, the whipped cream, strawberries, bananas and all other delicious foods. It was amazing. So was their kitchen, but the food was more amazing.

"Hi, Mom."

"Good morning, Nai."

"Hi, Mrs. Wirl."

"Good morning, AJ. Alright girls, if you want to grab a plate and you can stack whatever you see that looks good on it. I have whipped cream, blueberries, bananas, chocolate syrup, vanilla syrup, strawberries, caramel, nutella and raspberries. If you want something else, there are other things in the fridge that I can look for."

"Wow, thanks Mrs. W."

"No problem AJ. Where's your guy's other friend? Cameron?"

"Oh, he needed to sleep a little longer. Couldn't wake him up. He's alive though. We checked."

"Oh, alright good. Tell him to come down for his crepe when he wakes up."

I grabbed a plate and put chocolate syrup, strawberries and whipped cream on it. That's all I needed. I didn't want to have too much sugar.

"Thanks mom, we'll send him down when he wakes up."

"Okay kids."

We ran up the stairs. Giggling as we tried not to drop our plates.

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