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"Do you have anything to say about your side of the case?"

The judge looked down at me. I realized now that this was the time. I had to share. I'd kept everything in too long. There was a man that deserved to go to jail, just watching me. But if I died, I might be with Miles and my mom. That would be nice. Besides Dave would be arrested for murder and he would be in jail for the rest of his life anyway. And who cares about Cameron, I might have liked him at some point, but not anymore.


The jury and other people that were there, I totally forget what they were called, turned to face me.

"You do?"

Even the judge was shocked. I guess I'd been pretty silent the whole time.

"I do."

"Go ahead then."

He motioned for me to get up and stand in front of his bench. I did just that. As I walked up I could feel the many people watching me, their eyes burning holes in the back of my head.

"I have many things to say."

So I told them my side of the story. How I had been at the rink to witness the murder, how Dave framed me, how he threatened me, how I had been in such pressure. It was the greatest thing to let go of all of this. The people around me were just as shocked as I expected them to be. What I didn't expect is that many of them began to cry. When I finished the judge stood up.

"That is a story. Is Dave here?"

He looked out to the people in the seats behind the jury. I should really Google what they're called. Anyways, I spotted him. He was sitting in the third row. Strangely he was very calm.

"I am Dave."

Why'd he say it like that? I. Am. Dave.

"Could you come up here?"

He stood up and walked towards the judge.

"Is there anything you would like to say?"


Something was wrong. I could just tell it. He was way too calm and willing.

"Go ahead."

"This girl is lying."

There it is.

"She is? And why do you say that?"

"Why would I murder an innocent kid? That I don't even know."

"Good question,"

The judge turned to me.

"Do you have an answer to that question?"

"Yes. He has kids that are dumb, no offense to those people, steal money for him. I heard him say it."

"Yeah right. Like I'd do that. I own a popular skating rink. I don't need money."


The judge put his hand up.

"But what? I believe that you probably made this story up, just to try to get out of jail.

"What? No! I didn't."

This is so dumb. Why is everyone like this? I swear, after this, whatever this is, I'm moving.


In classic me fashion, I woke up with my head hurting. Dave, the judge, Ricky, my dad and Cameron crowded around me. Everyone but Dave looked worried. Of course.

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