Chapter Fourteen - Meeting In The Nightclub

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After a few hours of walking around the sky starts to get dark , they still haven't eaten yet and Arianna is feeling weaker by the minute.
"We should go to somewhere quite so no people are there" Siena says also feeling weak.
"Quite? The busiest places are always the best" Arianna say's frowning at Siena.
"Because?" Siena asks.
"If it's a busy place it's going to be loud and no one cares about what you do , where as if it's quite anyone could hear you" Arianna explained.
"Well yes I suppose so but wouldn't it be safer to do it in a more private place , then if they get scared and try to run away no one is around. There's less risk" Siena also explained.
"Everybody loves a risk Siena" Arianna says walking off into a nightclub. Beth had messaged Arianna saying that her and Hero were going to meet some friends so she would be back late , Siena entered the club not long after Arianna and she straight away noticed Hero , Arianna also straight away noticed Beth and not long after Beth and Hero both noticed them standing at the door.
"Hey what are you doing here?" Beth asked as Arianna and Siena approached them.
"Well were a little hungry" Arianna tells Beth , Beth automatically knows what she's talking about.
"What here?" She asks her eyes wide now , she looked at her friends sat in the same booth as her and smiled.
"Yeah I don't think you'll get any nice food here" The girl sat next to Hero said , she had honey toned skin , hazel eyes and almost black hair. She spoke with a raspy voice and was drinking a pink drink.
"Oh everyone, this is Arianna my roommate , Arianna this is Lydia" Beth says pointing to the girl next to Hero that just spoke.
"This is Jamie" She says pointing to the guy on the other side of Lydia who had honey toned skin , dark brown eyes and brown curly hair.
"Hey" Jamie said with a deep voice , Arianna smiled at him.
"And this is Meghan" She says pointing to the girl at the end next to Jamie with dark skin , brown eyes and long straight black hair.
"Hi" Meghan says sweetly waving her hand.
"Nice to meet you all" Arianna says to them all.
"And this is Siena , Arianna's...friend" Beth says hesitant on the word 'friend'.
"Hello" Siena says trying not to look at Hero.
"Hey come sit with us" Meghan says with a warm smile.
"Ok sure , we're gonna go get some drinks first though" Arianna says smiling back , she looks at Beth and smiles again , Beth knows that there not going for the same drinks as them. As soon as Arianna and Sienna turn away , Arianna notices bright blonde hair in front of her , the girl turns around and Arianna recognizes her as the waitress from the café her and Beth went to. She remembered she was called Mimi.
Mimi smiled at Arianna and Arianna smiled back nicely.

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