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Amelia woke up coughing on the bank. Reality still seemed distorted by water, but it was clear she was on land.

Thomas rushed to her side. "Mila," he breathed.

"I'm alright, Tom," she said, barely able to get the words out before she lost consciousness once again.

• • •

"Amelia wouldn't want them to worry."

A heavy sigh. "Thomas, they deserve to know that she nearly drowned."

Amelia became aware of a hand gripping her own. Her eyes fluttered open to see Thomas by her side, and Will Herondale sitting across the room.

"What happened?" She asked.

"The Mandikhor knocked you into the Thames," said Thomas.

She looked to her Uncle. "I'm assuming you've sent a message to my parents?"

"Not yet," he said.

"Do you have to tell them?"

"I'm afraid so."

Thomas reluctantly stood. "I said I would go to Matthew's house when you woke up. Would you like to come?"

Will's jaw set. "She must rest."

"Uncle Will—"

"You know that you wouldn't be allowed out of bed if your parents were here."

Amelia sighed in defeat. "Don't have too much fun without me."

Thomas gave his parabatai a sideways smile, trying to hide the pain in his eyes. "I doubt we would be able to without you there."

• • •

During the hours that her parabatai was away, all Amelia felt was pain. They had reached the point where her pain mixed with Thomas's to the point where it was impossible to know where it originated.

So she sat at her desk, scribbling down words on paper like there was no tomorrow. She wrote everything that came to her mind, not caring to transform them into poetry.

When she looked at the paragraphs, she realized how much she wrote about Matthew. At least half of the page contained an in-depth description of what it felt like when they kissed at the Hell Ruelle. It was almost as if--

The door to Amelia's bedroom was gently opened to reveal her Uncle Will, holding a small piece of paper. She rose, accepting the note and opening it.

Come at once to the Devil. There has been an attack, and Christopher has been badly injured.

A sob fell from Amelia's lips as the note dropped to the ground.

With one fluid motion, Will bent down to retrieve it, freezing when he saw its contents. "I will take you," he said.

• • •

Amelia hurried up the steps of the Devil Tavern, throwing open the door to the room she shared with her friends.

Invisible string~ Matthew Fairchild {1}Where stories live. Discover now