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The four teenagers ran from the silent city as their legs would carry them. James went first, then Amelia, Cordelia and Matthew. In mere moments they had reached the final staircase.

But they had lost track of James.

Matthew swore under his breath, rushing out the exit to the Silent City, leaving Amelia and Cordelia to scramble up the stairs.

"This way," said Matthew, grabbing Amelia's hand and leading them through the trees.

He seemed to know exactly where he was going, and they eventually caught sight of James. He had thrown his jacket to the side, even though it was rather cold.

Amelia rushed towards him. "Jamie, are you alright?"

He pushed his sleeve up to show nail marks. He looked at her, silently telling her to do the same. After all, they had both held Christopher's hand.

Amelia let out a shaky exhale, pulling up her dress sleeve. Sure enough, she had the same marks he did, veins dark around the crescents. Anguish coursed through her veins, but not on her behalf.

A gasp escaped James's lips. "Mila—"

"Poor Thomas," she whispered. "He's working so hard on the antidote. If he doesn't get it in time—"

Matthew voice shook as he spoke. "We need to get the both of you to the silent city."

"It's not safe there," said Cordelia. "If we could get Jem to the institute—"

"No," James said, looking off into the distance.

Matthew groaned. "Bloody hell, he's hallucinating."

"James, what do you see?" Cordelia asked, her dark eyes full of worry.

"There," said James. "In between the trees."

Sure enough, there was something resembling a portal between two cedar trees. James walked towards it, stretching his arm towards the dark light and making a fist. Blood ran through the nail marks and into the portal.

"James," Matthew said, rushing towards his parabatai. "Dont do this—"

"Dont touch me, Math," said James. "It isn't safe."

"If you're going, I'm going with you," Amelia said, stepping forward to place a hand on her cousin's shoulder. "If I must die, let it not be in vain. Let me use my final moments of life for good."

Cordelia looked like she was on the verge of tears. "Is that why you're going? Because you think you're going to die?"

James chose to ignore her comment, instead turning to Amelia. "Mila, you're not going. Thomas could have the antidote in hours—"

"Please," she said, her voice low. "Let me be a part of this. This can be my penance."

"Penance?" James echoed.

"Let me go instead. I am his parabatai. 'Whither thou goest, I will go.'"

"It won't work," James said, his voice soft. "Nobody can follow me into the shadows,
Math. Not even you."

Matthew sighed in defeat. "Does anyone have rope?"

Luckily, Cordelia still had the rope they used to climb Gast's window. Matthew tied one end around James's waist, then the other around his own. "There. If you need us to pull you back through, tug on the rope three times."

Cordelia quickly kissed James on the cheek. "Come back," she said.

James nodded. Then he stepped through the archway and disappeared as the others looked on.

Invisible string~ Matthew Fairchild {1}Where stories live. Discover now