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It was nearing midnight when they arrived at the Institute. All the lights were lit, and Amelia couldn't help but wonder why.

James lifted a finger to his lips before pushing open the front doors of the Institute, leading the group upstairs. The door to the parlor was wide open, and a song in what Amelia guessed was welsh rang out. She did not miss the worried look James and Lucie shared.

Tessa appeared in the doorway, raising her eyebrows at the six teenagers. Lucie stepped forward. "Sorry, Mam, we had a late picnic down by the river. Are we in trouble?"

Aunt Tessa smiled warmly. "I hope you enjoyed yourselves. We can discuss this later. Your father has a guest, so you should go in and introduce yourselves. I will pop up to the infirmary, and I will return shortly." Before she ascended the stairs, she shot a worried look at Amelia and Thomas.

James led them into the parlor. In the lavish room sat Will and the very green warlock they had been meaning to speak with: Ragnor Fell.

"Ragnor Fell," said Will, "my beloved son and daughter, as well as a disgraceful group of home invaders. I think you all know Ragnor, the former High Warlock of London?"

"He taught us in the Academy," said Christopher, waving at Ragnor.

The green warlock wasn't impressed. Upon seeing Christopher, Ragnor nearly fell out of his chair, eyes wide with panic. "In the name of Lilith. Hide the breakables, hide the whole house. Christopher Lightwood is here."

"Christopher is often here," said James. "The house remains mostly intact."

Will grinned. "Mr. Fell is here on social call. Isn't that nice?"

Amelia found herself smiling. Uncle Will often tried to make it clear that the Institute was always open to Downworlders, but few ever accepted that offer.

"He expressed interest in Welsh songs, so I sang a few," said Will.

"I have been here for hours," said Ragnor. "There have been many songs."

"I know you enjoyed them."

"I do feel as though I have been to Wales and back." The green warlock turned to the teenagers, his eyes landing on Matthew. "The Consul's son. Your mother is a kind woman. Has she gotten over her illness?"

Matthew tried at a smile, but failed. "That was some years ago," he said, pulling his flask from his pocket and downing the contents.

Amelia opened her mouth to say something, but the door to the parlor opened, revealing Tessa. "Will, come with me for a moment. I have something to ask you," she said. Amelia didn't miss the solemn expression that her Aunt wore.

Will got up without hesitation, following his wife into the hallway. There was a bounce in his step: there always was when Tessa was involved. Amelia knew her aunt and uncle had a special love, the kind most would never be able to find. She could only wish to find someone who loved her that much. A part of her doubted that would ever happen.

As soon as the door shut behind Will, Ragnor turned his glance onto James. "How dare you, gallivanting around London this late at night, when I need to speak with you?"

"And interrupt your social call?" James asked, grinning ear to ear. "Father said you listened to many songs."

"Yes, the more's the pity. Hypatia sent me an urgent message. She mentioned you," he said, stabbing a finger in Amelia's direction. "Something about a debt. Asked if I could help."

"Will you?" Thomas asked, speaking up for the first time since they entered the parlor. "My sister is among the wounded."

Ragnor's eyes landed on Thomas. "Thomas Lightwood? Lord, you're huge. What have the Nephilim been feeding you?"

Invisible string~ Matthew Fairchild {1}Where stories live. Discover now