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As the carriage rolled into the Institute gates, Amelia caught a glimpse of Tessa and Will. They were both in formal dress, and it was clear they were going out.

James clambered out of the carriage, everyone else following him. Matthew offered his hand to help Amelia down, even though she was in gear and needed no assistance.

"And where have you been?" Will demanded. "You stole our carriage."

"It's only the second-best carriage," James protested.

"Remember when papa stole Uncle Gabriel's carriage?" Lucie asked. "It's a proud family tradition."

"I did not raise you to be horse thieves and scallywags," said Will. "And I recall very clearly that I told you—"

"Thank you for letting them borrow the carriage to get me," Cordelia said, eyes wide with feigned innocence. "I wished to come to the Institute and see if I could help."

Will's expression softened immediately. "You are always welcome, Cordelia. Though, as you can see, we are going out. Charles has invoked the Consul's authority and called a meeting to discuss last night's attack. Only for high-ranking Enclave members, apparently."

Matthew grimaced. "By the Angel, that sounds awful. I hope it's alright for me to stay here tonight."

Tessa smiled. "We already made up one of the spare rooms for you."

"I have known Charles since he was born, so I have trouble thinking of him as an authority figure," Will mused. "I suppose if I disagree with something he says, I can request he be spanked."

Matthew grinned. "It would do him a world of good."

Bridget emerged from the front doors of the institute, carrying a ginormous spear. She climbed into the carriage, spear in hand. She wore an unamused expression on her face, and it was clear she was waiting for Will and Tessa.

"I do hope you're planning to glamour the carriage," said James. "It will seem as if the Romans are returning to reconquer the British Isles."

Tessa and Will climbed into the carriage. As Bridget gathered the reins, Tessa leaned out the window. "Uncle Jem and a few other Silent Brothers are in the infirmary, looking after the wounded," she called. "Ensure that have all they need and allow them space to work."

The carriage rolled out of the courtyard. Amelia looked to the sky; from the looks of it, it was about to rain. She adored everything about the rain: the sound, the smell, the feeling of water droplets on her skin.

James threw an arm around Amelia. "Come along then," he said. "Let's get you inside."

"Jamie," she said, "I am perfectly fine."

"Perhaps you are now, but it's not every day you see a warlock scattered liberally around his own bedroom," he said. "You must take time to recover, Mila. Raziel knows you need it."

The corners of Amelia's mouth quirked up in amusement. "Mila?"

James started walking towards the Institute, dragging Amelia along with him. "A new nickname I was trying out. As I was saying, you must take this chance to grieve and rest."

"But first, I have a question for the Institute's resident ghost," said Lucie. "I'm not quite sure I believe what Gast said."

"What exactly did he say?" Amelia asked. "Not everyone can see ghosts, you know."

"Well, he admitted to being the one to raise the demons. He said he was paid to do it and was killed shortly after."

They went into Lucie's bedroom, as Jessamine apparently went there often. Matthew settled Amelia on the settee and wrapped her in blankets.

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