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Matthew sat in a carriage across from Lucie and Cordelia. Amelia's words floated around his head, like a fly that you couldn't kill no matter how hard you try. You're hurting everyone around you. Maybe you need to sort out your own problems before you get involved in another's. Sure, Amelia was obviously in a state of grief and shock, but this wasn't the first time she had spoken up about Matthew's drinking. Several times before, in fact.

"I still don't see how it's possible," said Lucie. "Demons simply don't come out during the day."

"I've heard of them appearing under thick cloud cover," Cordelia said. "If no sunlight could get through-"

Matthew couldn't help but laugh. "That was no natural storm. But I've never heard of demons who could control the weather, either." On instinct, he pulled his flask from his waistcoat pocket. Lucie gave him a short glare, causing him to scowl. Was he really hurting everyone around him?

Lucie turned to attention to Cordelia. "Did you see the wounds? I've never seen anything like it. Barbara's skin was turning black at the edges where she was bitten— I cannot imagine what Thomas and Amelia are going through."

Matthew winced at Amelia's name. "You've never seen anything like it because there has never been anything like this. If this has happened before, it would surely be in the Codex. They would teach us about this. Demons who bring their own night? Who attack us when we are most vulnerable?"

"Matthew," said Cordelia sharply, "Stop frightening Lucie."

"Lucie never gets frightened, do you, Luce?"

"I am frightened for Piers, and for Ariadne, and I am frightened for Barbara. Barbara's family, and Ariadne and Piers are some of the kindest people I've ever met."

"There is no protection for kind people in this world," Matthew said bitterly. Noticing Cordelia's hard gaze, he took a swig from his flask. "Yes, I'm being a beast. I know it perfectly well."

Before either Cordelia or Lucie could respond, they arrived at the institute. Matthew reached to open the doors to the carriage. Without hesitation, he jumped down, turning to help Lucie and Cordelia out.

The courtyard had more carriages in it than Matthew had ever seen in his life. And then he saw Amelia. Her brown hair was caked with blood and ichor, and her face was stained with tears. Nevertheless, Matthew thought she looked stunning. She always did. He went to take another swig from his flask, but it was empty.

"I think I'll take a walk," he said. "I shall return shortly."

Lucie looked furious. "Matthew! But the infirmary— and Thomas and Amelia need us—"

"I don't like illness," He said shortly. He would rather make himself look like an apathetic bastard than explain his last interaction with Amelia. He turned around and left the institute's premises, not exactly sure where he was going.

The air was becoming colder as he walked, so he eventually turned back around and wandered through the gate. Everyone had gone inside the institute, so Matthew was completely alone in the courtyard. Wanting to avoid the cold, but not wanting to go inside, he opened the door to a random carriage and hopped in.

Matthew was way more drunk than he had been in a while. Before he knew what he was doing, he was sprawled across the carriage seats and singing nursery rhymes.

Matthew was just about to drift off to sleep when the carriage door opened. And there stood Amelia. "Matthew? What are you doing in here?"

"Drinking and singing," said Matthew simply.

Invisible string~ Matthew Fairchild {1}Where stories live. Discover now