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Normally, people under the age of eighteen were not permitted to attend Enclave meetings. Though, given their involvement in the incidents under discussion, Amelia and her friends were allowed to go.

The Sanctuary had been set up for the occasion, with several rows of chairs facing a lectern. Tessa had hung tapestries of every family's crests: Lightwood, Herondale, Carstairs, and countless others.

Amelia had somehow gotten separated from Thomas, being caught up in a surprisingly interesting conversation about plants with Christopher.

Upon seeing her parents and sister, Amelia immediately charged towards them, crushing Eugenia in a hug.

She returned the hug after a moment of hesitation, seemingly melting in her younger sister's arms.

"I've missed you so much," said Amelia.

"I missed you, too," Eugenia whispered back. "And I'm so sorry I wasn't there."

There was no need for clarification, as they both knew what she was talking about. Barbara.

"And I'm sorry I didn't come to Idris."

"I hear they're proclaiming you a hero," Eugenia laughed, then quickly regained her composure. "But, in all seriousness, I don't blame you. You had things to take care of here, such as saving everyone."

Amelia laughed lightly. "Please, Kit and Tom did all of that. I was mostly there for moral support."

"Oh, I'm sure. Thomas also told me you were poisoned as well. Are you alright?"

"Yes, he brought me the antidote just in time."

"It must have been agony."

Amelia thought back to her hallucination, the peace she felt when she thought she would see her sister again. "It wasn't so bad," she said after a beat of silence.

Matthew sidled up to Amelia's side, beaming ear to ear. "Are you excited for our first-ever Enclave meeting?"

"Not really," she admitted. "Maybe if it were under different circumstances."

"Oh, but that's what makes it so very exciting, my love." Matthew paused for a moment, seemingly shocked at his own words. He continued, "Our situation is an unusual one, so this will make for an unusual meeting."

"You'd think that the fire would have burned the nonsense out of you," Amelia teased.

Eugenia's eyebrows shot up. "Fire?"

"Nothing you need to concern yourself with," Matthew replied smoothly, before turning to Amelia once again. "Besides, I do not doubt that we will be branded heroes after this meeting."

"That's what I'm afraid of," she said softly.

"You don't want to be a hero?"

She chose not to answer. "Is it alright if I sit with my family?"

"You don't even need to ask. You haven't seen them in ages. I'd be more concerned if you sat with me instead." With a dramatic bow, Matthew disappeared into the crowd.

"Did he just call you 'my love?'" Eugenia asked, an eyebrow raised in silent accusation.

"You must be hearing things."

"You should be careful, Amelia. Love is more dangerous than you know." Eugenia smiled sadly at her before going to join their parents.

Amelia let out a small sigh before following suit, sitting beside Thomas.

Once everyone had sat down, Will's voice echoed through the room. "Welcome, everyone. I've just received word the Consul has been delayed, but is on her way. It would be lovely if everyone could be patient and refrain from breaking any valuables." He shot a brotherly look at Cecily, causing Amelia to laugh softly. "In the meantime—"

Invisible string~ Matthew Fairchild {1}Where stories live. Discover now