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Amelia was with her family in the ballroom of the London institute when the Carstairs family approached them, along with Tessa Herondale.

"Barbara and Amelia Lightwood," Tessa said, and Amelia quickly curtsied.

"It's lovely to finally meet you, Cordelia. I've heard many things from Lucie."

"Good things, I hope," said Cordelia. "Who is Lucie dancing with?"

"That's our brother, Thomas. Also Amelia's parabatai. And not tripping over his feet, for a change!" Barbara laughed.

Alastair's face brightened at the sight of Charles. "If you'll excuse me, I must go pay my respects," he said. "We haven't seen each other in an age."

"Boys," said Sona Carstairs. "So vexing."

Amelia's mother smiled at her daughters. "Girls have their moments," she observed. "You should have seen these two with their sister, Eugenia, as children. Absolute horrors!"

Barbara and Amelia laughed. A moment later, Barbara's suitor, Oliver Hayward, approached and whisked Barbara away to the dance floor.

Amelia stood with her family, making small conversation, until she noticed Lucie head towards Cordelia, now with Cecily and Gabriel's family. She also headed towards her, wanting to spend time with her friends.

"May I take Cordelia to meet the other girls?" Lucie asked, flashing Sona a smile.

Sona looked pleased. "Of course."

Lucie took Cordelia and Amelia's hands and led them towards the refreshment table, where a group of girls stood, gossiping. Amelia had never liked them much; she preferred to spend her time with the Merry Thieves. Lucie introduced every one of them, but Amelia doubted Cordelia would be able to remember them all.

"What a pretty dress," Ariadne Bridgestock said warmly. "I believe that's the shade they call 'ashes of roses.' Very popular in Paris."

"Oh yes," said Cordelia. "In fact, I did get this dress in Paris. On Rue de La Paix. Jeanne Paquin made it herself."

Amelia saw Lucie's eyes widen in concern. This couldn't end well. As if on cue, Rosamund Wentworth's lips tightened. "How fortunate you are," she said cooly. "Most of us here in the poky little London Enclave rarely get to travel abroad. You must think us so dull."

"Oh, not at all-" Cordelia stuttered, eyes widening in realization.

"My mother says Shadowhunters aren't meant to have an interest in fashion," said Catherine Townsend. "She says it's mundane."

"Since you've spoken of Matthew's clothes admiringly so often," said Amelia, "should we assume the rule is only just for girls?"

"Amelia, really-" Rosamund broke off with a laugh. "Speak of the Devils. Look who just arrived."

Amelia's attention turned towards the door the two boys had just come from. She saw Matthew first, golden hair turned bronze by the ballroom light. His dark eyes sparkled. Lucie groaned as the girls whispered among themselves. Mentions of James came first, then Matthew's name could be heard.

"They're so handsome," said Catherine. "Don't you think so, Ariadne?"

"Oh- yes, I suppose," Ariadne said, startled by her sudden involvement in the conversation.

"She's only got eyes for Charles," said Rosamund, breaking out into laughter. Ariadne turned a deep shade of red.

Lucie rolled her eyes. "They're just boys."

"James is your brother," said Catherine. "You must be objective, Lucie! He is absolutely gorgeous."

"Matthew isn't bad looking, but so scandalous," Rosamund chimed in.

Invisible string~ Matthew Fairchild {1}Where stories live. Discover now