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After last night's events, Amelia wasn't sure if she wanted to face Matthew. But she needed to speak to James, who wasn't in the Institute. And the house where Matthew lived was the place she would most likely find him.

After an ever so slightly awkward encounter with Charles, Amelia was directed towards the garden, where both James and Matthew were sitting. Mr Oscar Wilde, Matthew's dog, barked his hellos and followed her into the garden.

Matthew's eyes brightened when he saw Amelia, which made her smile.

"Amelia," he said, "what are you doing here? Couldn't withstand being apart from me this long?"

Amelia sat down, Oscar in her lap. "As much as I do enjoy your presence, Matthew, I'm here to see James." She turned towards her cousin. "Jamie, what happened last night?"

Before James could respond, Oscar got up from Amelia's lap and raced to the garden's entrance. He barked in greeting. Thomas and Christopher were here, likely for the same reasons Amelia was. Once they were close enough, Christopher called, "James! What happened last night? Where'd you disappear to?"

"He went to Chiswick," Amelia said, with more venom in her voice than she had hoped for. "Care to explain yourself, James?"

"Nothing interesting happens at Chiswick," Christopher said.

Matthew grinned. "It has now."

James explained how he had followed a light and ended up at Chiswick the previous night. He described the strange looking Cerberus demon, and how he killed it.

Matthew's face fell as James recapped the last night's events, and it settled into a scowl when he mentioned Lucie and Cordelia. "Why were they even at Chiswick?"

"They said they were making sure Miss Blackthorn was alright," said James slowly.

Amelia bit her lower lip to prevent herself from laughing. "And you believe them?"

"I- I'm not sure."

Matthew reached out to scratch Oscar's head. "Seems quite dangerous, in the middle of the night after an attack. They should not be taking risks like that."

"Then perhaps you should stop your nightly outings," said Amelia. "If it's so dangerous."

Matthew gave her an unreadable look. But it was Thomas that spoke. "Here's my question: Why Lightwood—I mean, Chiswick House? Why the greenhouse?"

"No idea," said James. "Perhaps because the demon was there?"

"Demons do like to take up residence in ruins, especially those where there are remnants of black magic," said Christopher. "And we all know what Grandfather Benedict was up to in that house. It's why he turned into a worm."

"Ah," said Matthew, "fond family memories."

"Unfortunately, None of us were alive to see our grandfather turn into a worm," Amelia said.

"Well, the Clave agrees with you," said James. "They believe the demon has been there since Benedict's time. And while it seems entirely unconnected to the attacks, I do feel we have been seeing an unusual number of demons lately in rather unusual places."

" 'Demons in unusual places' was Benedict's motto," said Matthew, causing Amelia to laugh. He grinned. "How do we know what the Clave thinks? Charles has been remarkably tight-lipped."

Amelia threw a stick for Oscar. "I had an absolutely dreadful conversation with him earlier. He really must work on his small talk."

"He hasn't been tight lipped to me," said James. "He came to see me this morning."

Thomas's expression darkened. "Don't tell me he believes all that poppycock about you going to see Miss Blackthorn and being refused—?"

"He does believe it," said James. "And perhaps it's for the better. I cannot say I was wandering about the shadow realm. Better, I suppose, that they think I am a lunatic in love."

"But you barely know Miss Blackthorn," said Amelia. "And thank the Angel, because she seems to be a-"

"I do know Grace," said James, cutting her off. "And I do love her." He told them all about how he knew her: the summers they spent together in Idris, the times they had met in secret, without her mother's knowledge or permission.

Amelia sighed. "I knew you were in love with someone, but I didn't know it was Grace. I'm sorry, Jamie."

"I should be the one apologizing," James said. "I am sorry I did not tell you sooner. Grace just wasn't ready for people to know about us. I am also sorry for last night. I feel as though I have failed in my mission to help your sister."

"You're not the only one who's failed her," Amelia said, causing Matthew to put his hand over hers.

"We will talk after this," he whispered. He quickly removed his hand from Hers, as if she had burned him.

Thomas cleared his throat. "I was thinking we all go to the Devil and look through James's massive book collection there. Perhaps there's something in one of them that can help us."

Amelia laughed. "Perhaps his pension for book piracy will help us after all."

Christopher held up a vial filled with a red substance. "I have managed to procure some blood from the patients. I intend to mix both magic and pure science to create a cure for the demon venom. Henry said I can use his laboratory while he is in Idris, so I shall remain here."

Thomas squinted, as if decided whether to be mad or pleased. "If that's Barbara's blood-"

"It's Piers's," Christopher assured him. "Yet for the sake of science, it will not matter."

"And yet we are all relieved," said James. "Matthew and I can go to Fleet Street—perhaps Thomas should help Christopher in the lab?"

"What of me?" Asked Amelia.

Matthew smiled at her. "You, Lia, shall come with us to Fleet Street. I believe we have some things to discuss."

She felt her cheeks heat up at his old nickname for her. He called her that often back when they were in the Academy, but he rarely used it anymore.

Thomas sighed. "I always end up helping Christopher in the lab."

"You are remarkably good at avoiding explosions," said James. "And you know how to swear in Spanish, which Kit enjoys."

"I know more Spanish than Thomas," Amelia pointed out. "If Thomas does not wish to assist him, I can do it."

Matthew said, "You will be joining us in the Devil Tavern."

"Oh, I'm about to be late for tea with Anna."

Matthew held out his arm to help Amelia up. "Would you like for me to take you?"

"It's quite alright," said Amelia. "It's not that far of a walk."

"Amelia," said Thomas, "let him take you."

"Matthew has better things to do with his day than to prevent me from being murdered."

"I do?" Matthew asked.

"You do," said Amelia. "If it is any consolation to your fragile egos, I am armed." She withdrew the dagger strapped to her leg, and spun it in her hand. "Besides, I know how to handle myself. I'm not some helpless woman that needs saving."

"Men like the idea of a woman they can rescue," said Christopher absentmindedly.

Amelia returned her dagger to its hiding place underneath her green dress. "I beg your pardon?"

"I heard it from my mother once. Seems to be true."

"If a man ever tries to 'rescue me,' I'll shove a sword so far down his throat he'll never be able to-"

"I'm sure you will," said Matthew. "In the meantime, Lia, you must get to Anna's. I will pick you up after, and we can meet James at Fleet Street."

Hi everyone! This is mostly a filler chapter, but I'm pretty happy with it. Let me know what you think!

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