Come Fly With Me!

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𝕊𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕠𝕟 𝟙 𝔼𝕡𝕚𝕤𝕠𝕕𝕖 𝟛

𝒯𝒲: 𝐻𝑜𝓈𝓅𝒾𝓉𝒶𝓁 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒜𝓁𝓁𝑒𝓇𝑔𝒾𝒸 𝑅𝑒𝒶𝒸𝓉𝒾𝑜𝓃!

I got dressed in my butterfly top, slipped my light pink leggings on, then pulled on my sandals. I was sat eating breakfast as usual but this time I was just having some strawberries. Jay was working on a plane puzzle thing. Manny walked in with Gloria, "I wish I could stay home from, with you and fly toy airplanes" Manny sighed.

"These aren't toy airplanes, Manny. These are models and they're very complicated, You wanna fly one of these, you gotta be familiar with airfoil, drag, lift and thrust and these are all principles of aerodynamics" Jay said whilst he was concentrating.

"The box says '12 and up'" I laughed. "What"? Jay questioned. I pointed to the box. "You can play toy planes with Jay next time. Today you have to spend time with Luke" Gloria says to Manny. I try to make a run for it. "You too Julie, maybe you and Alex can hang out" Gloria added. It's not that I don't like hanging with the Dunphy's I love them like family, they are my family. But I sometimes feel like they don't like me.

"Why" Me and Manny whined. "Because his mother invited you, so you go. Family needs to be close right, Jay"? Gloria said looking at us all. Jay wasn't paying attention, "I'm pretty sure this is a typo".


We arrived at the Dunphy house. "Manny brought his favorite game to play with Luke" Gloria smiled to Claire. "It's called empire, You need to use strategy to expand territories and take over the world" Manny added. I rolled my eyes, I hated empire, me and Manny had played before it was so boring.

"Luke is going to love that. He's out back playing" Claire says whilst mixing something in a bowl. "Do you need me to get you something while I'm out shopping"? Gloria asked. I looked outside to see Luke jumping on the trampoline and he had a box on his head and he had no pants on. The usual. "That's such a kind offer, but I think we're good thanks" Claire said. Then Alex runs in, "Okay, What about this"? She asked. Pointing out her shirt it was pretty, it was blue with lace around the neck.

"You don't even say 'hello' to Gloria, Manny and Julie" Claire said rolling her eyes. "Hi Gloria and Manny, Hey Julie" She says smiling and waving.

"Okay mom, what about this" Alex asks again. "No you're wearing a dress" Claire demanded. "Mom, come on"! Alex begs. "What? It's gonna kill you to look like a girl for one afternoon" Claire complained. "But it's a wedding for some friend of yours I've never even heard of" Alex says reasonably. "It's non-negotiable. You can borrow a dress of Hayley's again" Claire said trying to end the argument. "No that sends an ugly message- that I'm Hayley. You know instead of trying to force me to wear a dress, Why don't you worry about getting Luke to wear some pants"! Alex says settling the argument.

Claire looks up from the mixing bowl and runs over to the window to yell at Luke. "Alex I like your top, maybe sometime I can borrow it" I say looking up at Alex. "Thank you Julie and, sure you can" Alex answers giving me a warm smile.

"Alex why don't you come shopping with me, Maybe I can help find you something you like"? Gloria asks Alex. I frown a little, I kind of wanted to spend the day with Alex. "That's a really nice offer but it's not really her thing" Claire added. "Actually, I'd love to go. Can Julie come too" Alex snapped at Claire. My eyes lit up. "See you don't know what my thing is, you have no idea what my thing is" Alex sassed looking at Claire.

"I know what your thing is. Your thing is to provoke, just like your sister's thing is to never come out of her room, and your brother's things- Well, there's your brother's thing" Claire whines as she goes to tell Luke to put his pants on. I took one of the snacks from my bag. I ate it. About fifteen minuets later Gloria and Alex and I were about to leave.

"Hey, Gloria Alex I'm going to stay here. I don't feel so good" I smiled. "Okay, but if you need to come home get Claire to call me" Gloria frowns before kissing me on the forehead, then leaving with Alex. I was sad not because I didn't feel the greatest, because I couldn't spend the day with Alex. I walk back to the kitchen and Manny had gone out back. "Hey Claire" I sigh sitting on the counter stool. "Oh Julie I thought you were going shopping with Gloria and Alex" Claire said a little shocked.

"I was going to but I don't feel good so I decided to stay here if you don't mind" I smiled. "Yeah sure you look rather pale do you need some water or anything"? Claire asked.

"No thank you but I need to ask you a question" I said gulping down my nerves. "Sure" Claire answers. "Am I apart of this family, I just feel like I'm intruding and I don't-" I frown before tears well up to my eyes. The truth is me and my mother didn't have a close bond but I couldn't blame her she worked three different jobs whilst Papi was out roaming the streets with no worry.

"Of course you are Sweetie, but do you need some air you look hot"? Claire asks looking a little concerned. "Yeah, I'll go play out with Luke, Manny's coming to chat with you now anyway" I say as Manny walked in. I walked out to see Luke on the trampoline still. "Hey Julie" Luke waved whilst stopping bouncing.

"Hey Luke, why do you have a box on your head"? I asked. "Why do you have red blotches on your face"? Luke asked. "I do not"! I say looking in the car mirror. I did "Ew, I look gross" I sighed as I sat on the bench. "Wanna play on the trampoline"? Luke asked.

"Sure, don't bounce to high I don't feel good" I asked jokingly. We bounced for a couple minuets, "Julie, maybe we should go to sit down you don't look better" Luke said giving me the same look as Claire did. "Thanks I guess" I laughed as we both got off the trampoline. We sat on the bench. "Do you want me to tell you a story maybe it'll cheer you up" Luke asks. "Sure" I sigh slowly getting 'comfortable'.

Luke started telling me a story and then I fell asleep on his shoulder, I could feel something rising up in my stomach. Puke. I couldn't open my eyes they were stuck together with goo and I was choking on my puke and all I could her was Luke's yells for his mother. I heard everyone, Gloria, Manny, Alex, Phil and Jay.

I was still chocking. "Everyone move back okay" Alex yells she starts giving me the Heimlich maneuver. I puke everything up, I mean everything, it goes all over me, some goes on Alex. Then everything went black. I felt a pair of hands pick me up, I heard Jay's voice. "Everyone meet at the hospital, let's go, let's go"! Jay says, It was definitely him carrying me because his yells were so loud and I could feel his heart beat.


No one was in the room when I woke up. I was in hospital. I saw a doctor. "Hey can you get my family please"? I ask, my voice hurts. "Sure thing, Miss Santiago" The doctor, answer he leaves. I hated being called Santiago, I hated it so much. Then a couple seconds later I see everyone walk in. They were saying things like, 'oh your poor thing' 'what happened'. I looked at Luke, "Sorry I fell asleep during your story" I laughed, I winced at the pain in my throat, it was scratchy. "It was a boring story anyway" Luke laughed.

I look and see a big stain on Alex's shirt. "Oh no! Did I do that to you"? I asked. "Yeah, don't worry though" Claire added with a smile. Uncle Cam walked in with a goodie basket. "This is for you" Cam said handing me the goodie basket. The doctor walks in and takes the basket away.

"Sorry Miss Santiago, but you seem to be allergic to coca bean or nuts" The Doctor frowns. "Wait does that mean no chocolate"? I ask with a frown on my face. "No Chocolate, sorry honey" Jay sighs. "Hey I brought you some clothes to change into" Alex says passing me a pile of clothes. "The shirt"! I squealed pulling the blue shirt towards me. I hug Alex and everyone leaves so I can get changed, they all came back in within moments.

"Julie, I got you a magazine" Hayley says reading the front pages. "Julie doesn't like magazines" Manny adds. "What why"? Hayley asks looking a little shocked. "Because who would want to spend hours writing about someone, when you could eventually be that someone" Alex, Manny and Luke say at the same time mockingly.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓 𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐓𝐓- 𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝟏Where stories live. Discover now