Manny Get Your Gun!

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It was Manny's Birthday Dinner I was wearing

It was Manny's Birthday Dinner I was wearing

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30 minutes earlier!

"Let's go. let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go"! Jay yelled from the bottom of the stair. "I'm looking for the keys"! Gloria justified to her many reasons of being late. "Of course you are" Jay sighed. "How do I look"? Manny asked me and Jay. He walked out in a suit. A suit. "Like Al Capone" Jay replied bluntly. "Thanks"! Manny thanked him.

"You look great" I smiled. "Thank you" Manny thanked. "Happy Birthday Kid" Jay smiled handing Manny a present bag. He pulled out a bb gun "Whoa"! Manny gasped. "A BB gun"?! Manny and I said unison. "Enjoy. That's the best gift my dad ever gave me" Jay explained. "My keys are nowhere, We're going to have to go in your car" Gloria demanded.

"It's in the shop. Where was the last place you put your keys"? Jay asked. Oh no. Another argument on board. "So now it's my fault? Where was the last place you put my keys"! Gloria yelled. "In your hand, when I bought you the car" Jay sighed at his wife. "Hey Jay, on the box it says ages 16 and up. Is this an appropriate gift for me"? Manny asks holding BB gun in his hand. I want it so bad. Like so so bad. "Are you kidding me! You were born 16"! Jay snapped back.

"You know we wouldn't be having this problem if you hadn't of lost the spare set" Jay sighed at his pasting wife. "I didn't lose them. Someone came in here and stole them"! Gloria lied. "Yeah and left the car" Jay mumbled. "What do you mean I was born 16"? Manny questioned. "I'm just saying you were never much of a kid, and that's a good thing 'cause I never liked kids. You ought to try the fridge, 'cause that's where we found your cell phone"! Jay shouted to his wife and told Manny.

"It was only one time, Jay. And you know I always eat after I talk to my mother" Gloria snapped before dramatically walking off as usual. Jay turned around to talk to Manny and told the small boy, "Happy birthday, old man" whilst patting Manny on the shoulder. Manny just nodded I could see he wasn't happy he was sad. He was sad at being called an old man. I mean he has an old soul and he acts way too old for his age but he missed out on the best years of his life. Childhood.

"You always do this. Now we're going to be late to our own party" Jay sighs as we still was waiting for Gloria to find her keys. "Stop shouting"! Gloria demanded searching behind the bar for her keys. "Technically I wasn't . . ." Jay began to say before being cut off by Manny talking into the phone. He was making his first prank call. "Uh yes, hello. Is Seymour Butts there"? He asked. Wow! Seymour Butts! That is so . . .


"Not Lutz. I'm looking for Butts. Yes, I'm trying to get hold of Butts "! Manny raised his voice to the phone. He furrowed his eyebrows to the next comment the person made on the line. "Very funny. I don't have time for this foolishness" Manny scoffed, then put the phone down.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓 𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐓𝐓- 𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝟏Where stories live. Discover now