Virgin Territory!

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Today we were having breakfast at The Dunphy's house. "Ooh. Individual frittatas. What a treat. Your a lucky man Phil" Uncle Cam complements as Claire dishes out the food. "I'm always saying, I'm . . ." Phil began before no other than Claire cuts him of "Phil"! She sighs. "Sorry" He apologized. "You left the milk out again" Claire whines. "Mmm. I may have to take one of these little guys home. Claire did you ever find that Tupperware I lent you"? Uncle Cam asked. He knew she still had it. 

"Sweetie, for the hundredth time. I gave it back to you. Remember"? Claire sighs. "I remember you telling me a hundred times, yet my pea soup is in Baggies" Uncle Cam mumbled. "Did you check your car in the, um . . ."? Gloria asked forgetting the word, "Trunk"? I ask. She nods. "Because that's where you found that thing. that you thought you gave me a long time ago them. Them . . ." She began to say forgetting the word. "Pizza cutter" Jay added. 

"Good. Give me another one" Jay joked. "Yeah. I was wrong that time" Uncle Cam scoffed. "It's a piece of plastic. You're ruining brunch" Mitch butted in sick of Claire and Uncle Cam's concealed debate. "Don't sweat it Cam. I forget things all the time. Like I can never remember the name of that weather guys that I like. Uh, Thunder something. Stormy . . .Flash Storm? Ah! Whatever the hell it is. I don't know"! Jay whined. "Just eat your eggs, Jay" Gloria sighed sympathetically. 

"Yeah. Just eat your eggs, Jay" Lily snapped. We all laughed at her cheeky little remark. Her obviously not knowing why we are laughing. 

I looked back to the two boys who were sat on the couch with me. No other than Luke and Manny. "Look at them, They all think Lily's so great" Luke hissed jealously. "The novelty will wear off" Manny shrugs. 

"We used to be the cute ones" Luke whines. True. We were always told about how cute we were until Lily grew up a little and became her own little sass pot. "Now she get's all the attention. We need to take her down"! Luke sneered. 

"And I should remember his name, too, because your mom and I got in a big fight over him. She was using the convertible and I told her, 'Put the top up because it supposed to rain tonight according too... P-partly McCloudy, whatever the hell his name is anyway. She didn't. Ruined the car", Jay continued about the stupid nameless weather man.

"Well, not be the one to always come to mom's defense. . ." Mitch began. Oh no. It was about to go down. Claire shot Mitch a glare. An evil one. "What it was twenty years ago. What you think he's gonna ground you"? Mitch teased. 

"It was you"? Jay asked Claire. "Yes. Yes, I left the top down and I let Mom take the fall" Claire whined. "And then they got divorced" Mitch teased. "Twelve years later" Claire added. 

"I'm just saying" Mitch sighed. "Uh! You ruining brunch" Claire whined, "Relax, It was years ago. There's a statue of limitation on this stuff" Jay smiled whilst taking a bite of his food. "In that case I should probably let you know, I let the top down to let out the cigarette smoke" Claire boasted. Hayley's eyes widened, "Not mine. Not mine. My bad friend. . .Eleanor" Claire lied. 

"Eleanor being her boyfriend, Allan" Mitch teased. "Statue of limitations" Claire mocked. "Relax. It's okay. Remember when I told you that I couldn't get to your figure skating semifinal because I was stuck at work"? Jay asked Claire and Mitch. 

They both nodded. "By 'stuck' I meant drunk. And by 'work' I meant the gold course" Jay smirked. "I got one, I got one" Mitch begged. They began to tell stories until it all went quiet and Jay stormed of sulking. "Great, Daddy you ruined brunch" Lily sassily remarked. All the grown ups just laughed. 

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓 𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐓𝐓- 𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝟏Where stories live. Discover now