New Year's Eve!

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Yet again I got reeled into another date, being a fifth wheel, I was use to this although Manny and Luke hadn't been on any, or got asked to one. It was with this girl called Becca and her cousin Joyce I had spoken to them before, Manny hadn't Luke was let's say...very fond of the two.  I sat patiently waiting for the night to be over, Haley was sat next to me flicking through her magazine. 

"Hey, are you two sure you don't wanna play hunger games with the rest of us"? Alex asked popping up from behind the couch, I shook my head, "My whole life is a hunger game, why do you think I'm so mean to you" Haley smirked, me and Alex looked at each other confused, until we were distracted by a door bell, "That's for me"! Luke shouted as he ran to the door. He opened the door to reveal two girls, "Hey...come in" Luke smiled opening the door wider. 

"Hi" Becca smiled, "Hey" Joyce huffed, "Hey, I'm out" Luke announced shooting himself in the head with his nerf gun. "This is Becca and her cousin Joyce" Luke introduced, "Joyce is for you" He whispered loudly into Manny's ear. "What? I'm on a date? But I'm not wearing any cologne" Manny gasped, "Did you know this was happening"? Alex whispered, I nodded my head, "I don't even know what this is" Haley laughed. 

"Joyce, this is Manny...and that's Julie" Luke introduced, "Hey" I waved from the couch, they just nodded at me moodily like usual. "Pleasure to make your acquaintance, can I offer you a glass of sparkling cider"? Manny smirked, "He's not how you described him" Joyce frowned looking at Becca. "Don't worry you'll love him" I laughed, "Manny, say something romantic" Luke smiled, "I can't just turn it on, you say something romantic" Manny snarled, "cool shirt" Luke nodded at Becca, "Aw! Can I see your room"? Becca asked, I nearly chocked myself, his room? No girls were aloud in his room, only me, "Well, I didn't clean it for me" Luke chuckled, Liar! I cleaned his room, I need the credit. 

Manny and Joyce walked off into the kitchen and Luke and Becca went into Luke's room. "W-They're going upstairs alone"! I whisper yelled, "Is that even allowed"? Alex asked, "I don't know, should we say something"? Haley questioned, "Like what"? I sighed. "'s not oaky"? Alex suggested, "Well maybe it is, is it"? Haley worried, "I don't know, I just feel like we're not doing our jobs as babysitters" Alex frowned, "Of course we are" Haley smiled, just on cue there was a doorbell ring.

I opened the door, my eyes widened, it was Becca's brother, Matthew, I looked down to see a shivering Lily, "I'm cold and I saw a coyote" Lily cried. I turned and looked at Haley and Alex they just rolled their eyes and pushed Lily in. "Hey, you're Julie from Geography"? Matthew smirked, "That's me" I chuckled nervously. "I didn't know you'd be's Matthew" Matthew smiled shaking my hand, a hand shake? formal.

"Yeah, Luke's kind of related to me, so is Manny" I laughed, "You've got a cute laugh" Matthew smirked mocking my laugh, "Do you want anything to eat...drink"? I asked walking through to the kitchen, "Julie"! Alex yelled, "Yeah" I smiled, "Who's this"? Haley asked, "Oh, he's Matthew" I smiled, "Oh-okay, well-" Alex began, "Let's go get that drink" I laughed as I pulled Matthew to the kitchen. 

"Hey, can I go to the rest room"? Matthew asked, " don't need to ask" I laughed poring me and Matthew a glass of the sparkling cider. "Can I offer you a Pino Delgado? It's my own concoction" Manny suggested, "What's in it"? Joyce asked, "Let's just say it's cool, it's sweet, and it's not afraid to embrace it's own whimsy" Manny smiled passing her a glass of the drink. "I'm not saying that...I'm not drinking it either" Joyce scoffed. 

She was looking back into whatever book she was reading, I saw Manny's face drop a little, " making any resolutions"? Manny asked to start making conversation, " more blind dates" Joyce sighed rolling her eyes. "You're mean" Lily whined looking up from her drawing on the wall, she was drawing on the wall? "You know she's right Joyce" Manny nodded, "You are mean" I added. 

"I've been a gracious host whilst you've been rude, sullen and dull. You'll forgive me if I choose not to start the new year on such a negative note" Manny huffed, "Oh and if you're hungry for brocoli later, there's some in your teeth" I smirked. I was wondering were Matthew had gotten too, he had taken a long time in the bathroom, maybe he ordered from that bad place of Smithson Road. I walked up the stairs to see Alex and Haley standing by Luke's bedroom door.

"They've been in there something you're in charge" Alex whispered, "Oh, please we all know that I'm just a figurehead here, you really think they're doing something in there he's twelve" Haley sighed, "He's fourteen" I giggled, "But that really shows how close you two are" Alex smirked, "Fine" Haley sighed knocking on the door.

Luke opened the door stepped out and closed it making sure Becca didn't see his sister and Julie there, "What do you want"? Luke asked quietly, "You have to keep your door open" Haley stammered, "Why"? Luke asked, "Uh, well, why do you need it closed"? Alex questioned. "Because we're gonna make out" Luke whispered, "Oh, um..." I gulped in shock, " can't have your door closed" Haley frowned, "Why? Do you want to watch or something? That's weird" Luke questioned. "Ew"! Me and Alex gagged, "Ew! Of course we don't want to watch" Haley justified, "Perfect" Luke smiled as he went back in his room.

"Oh, what are we doing up here"? I hear Matthew ask, "Oh, I was just asking Alex if we have any ice left...we do...yay! Ice"! I giggled, Wow...Ice? ICE?! I seriously thought about ice in that moment. "Yay! Ice"! Matthew cheered as we both went downstairs, "I'm sorry I push people away", I feel myself do it but I can't stop" Joyce apologized to Manny.

"It's hard to like someone when you don't like yourself" Manny sighed, "You're right" Joyce nodded, "You have so many good qualities, you're attractive, you're witty, you're bright, I wish you could just see yourself through my eyes" Manny frowned, "'re such a good friend" Joyce smiled, friend? FRIEND?! "Friend?! That's where this is headed"? Manny exclaimed, "Well...friendships last longer" Joyce nodded, "Not this one, I've got enough friends, happy new year, Joyce"! Manny huffed as he stormed off. 

"Wow...that was-"I began, "Dramatic...rude"? Matthew scoffed, "What? No...She was leading him on" I huffed, "So...he had no right to shout like that"? Matthew smirked, "What-He had every right"! I screamed, "'re cute when your mad" Matthew chuckled, "Really"? I blushed, "No...Joyce, Becca we're going"! Matthew snapped. 

Me and Manny sat on the couch, with Luke, Haley, Alex and Lily, the grandfather clock struck twelve o'clock, "Happy new year" We all sighed popping our confetti cannons, none of us we're happy about how the new year had started off, but maybe things will change, maybe next year will be good...

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓 𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐓𝐓- 𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝟏Where stories live. Discover now