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"That's a healthy baby" The doctor smiled, we were at Gloria's scan, me and Jay, Manny was in the car. "Hold on...Is that a license plate and a hubcap? You know, like in Jaws" Jay joked, "I've never seen it" I frowned, "I saw it...but I don't remember a scene with a hubcap and a pregnant woman" The doctor sighed, "Ah, forget it" Jay huffed. "Would you like to know if you're having a boy or a girl"? The doctor asked, "No" Me and Gloria disagreed, "Yes" Jay nodded. 

"Ay, I want it to be a surprise" Gloria frowned, "Don't you, Jay"? I asked. Jay just looked to the floor, that being the only evidence of his answer, we didn't end up finding out the baby's gender. "Stupid dry cleaners...they shrink my clothes" Gloria huffed as she tried to zip up her zipper on her jeans. "Might be time for maternity wear" Jay sighed, "Are you crazy? I'm barley showing" Gloria yelled, "Sweetheart, you shirts barely fit before you were pregnant" Jay joked, "And I never heard you complain" Gloria whined as struggled to tighten the belt around her waist, "We're gonna need a bigger belt" Jay sighed. 

Me, Manny and Gloria were sat eating pizza, Manny let out a sigh, he didn't seem himself today, not at all. "Manny, you don't seem to happy. You usually love it when I pull you out of hockey to play hockey" Gloria frowned, "A, it's hooky, and B don't ever take me back to hockey" Manny shook his head. "Did something bad happen at school"? I asked, "They fired our music teacher" Manny frowned, "Mr. Hideo Namagachi"? I gasped, "That you can spell perfectly" Manny smirked. 

"Manny, don't worry, he'll find another job" I smiled,  "But what about me? I've been buttering up, Mr. Namagachi for years. He was gonna give me the lead in the school musical, 'Oliver'" Manny sighed. "It's not all over"! Gloria exclaimed, "Ol-iv-er"! I broke down, "Manny, you're a very talented boy. You're gonna find plenty of music teachers to put butter on" Gloria shrugged, I don't think Gloria understood the phrase, 'buttering someone up' meant, but she never really understood us, like we never really understood her. 

"but what if we can't"? Manny asked on the behalf of me and him, "I sort of don't wanna spend my last year of middle school in the chorus" I frowned, "Maybe I can help? Maybe when they pick the new music teacher, I'll go and I'll flirt a little bit with him" Gloria smiled standing up, her stomach was popping out of her shirt and the top was nearly splitting at the seams. 

"Hey, Mom, since we're just talking here, about your shirt..." Manny began, "What about my shirt"?! Gloria yelled, "Nothing"! Manny squeaked, "You've got some pizza on the ice cream" I smiled pointing to her shirt. "Ah, a little piece of--mm" Gloria hummed as she licked the pizza and ice cream off.

"You were kinda hard on that Cinnamon Bun guy" I frowned looking at Gloria, "Did you hear what he said to me"? Gloria questioned, "Congratulations"? Manny sighed, "He thinks I'm pregnant! That is an insult when the person doesn't look it" Gloria yelled. Manny looked at me and I shook my head, I knew what he was thinking, "Please" he mouthed the words, I couldn't help but give in. 

"Gloria wait" I frowned, "You need to hear are pregnant and you look it" I sighed, Gloria let out a loud gasp, "I hope that this new one has some good manners"! Gloria exclaimed pointing to her stomach. "Gloria! Stop"! I frowned, "I know this whole thing is a little scary for you, last time you were pregnant Javier, was never there and you kinda bossed it on your own, But this time you have a whole family behind you, Manny, Jay and Me" I explained. 

Gloria turned around, and smiled, "That's sweet, and so are you, especially with that little bit of sugar on your face" Gloria chuckled licking her finger and wiping the sugar grains off my cheek, she put her finger in her mouth, "Mmm-Ay! What happened"! Gloria squawked as her top buttons exploded off, revealing her in her bra. "Your shirt couldn't take it anymore"! I yelled, "The stupid dry cleaners, where is it"? Gloria asked she attempted to look for the lost buttons. 

She bent down the look, hearing another tear, it was her jeans they had torn at the back, "Ay! No"! Gloria squealed using her hand to cover it. "Oh, no you're running out of arms, Gloria"! I stated as I tried to cover her. "A maternity store is right over there"! Manny pointed, another pop came from Gloria's clothes, it was the buttons of her jeans. "Ahh"! Gloria sighed, "What was that"? Manny asked, "I don't know but let's go"! I yelled dragging them both to the maternity store. 

It was about two hours later after waiting mostly of an hour in the changing rooms watching Gloria try on many different shapes and sizes of clothes she finally decided on her options of fifty, we all trudged through the front door of the house, Gloria showed Jay the dress she had changed into, it was a red one that came with a matching red clip, she tossed her arms in the air as a grin plastered her face. Jay looked at me and Manny who's arms were filled with different shopping bags of different colors. Jay frowned knowing that, it would've done some damage to his credit card and bank. But pretty Gloria is happy Gloria.

Weirdest Shopping Trip Ever! 

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