Dude Ranch!

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"We're beginning our initial descent into Jackson Hole, Wyoming, Thank you for flying United" The piolet spoke on the intercom. "Reckon we'll be landin' soon" Phil said in a western accent. "Phil, honey, you promised. Not till we got there" Claire whispered. "Okay" Phil sadly stopped. 

"Mmm I hate landing" Claire hummed, she didn't like flying, she hated it. Phil placed his hand on her right hand and Dylan placed his hand on her left hand. Yeah. Dylan was here. A 'Family' vacation. "We'll get through this" Dylan smiled. 

"Wow, it's so pretty here" Hayley exclaimed looking out at the view as we got of the plane. "What are you doing"? Jay asked his wife. She was sticking her fingers in her ears and holding her nose. "I want my ears to pop" Gloria whined. 

"Try putting a little rouge on 'em" Manny suggested. "Nobody gets me" He muttered. "Wow! Isn't this is beautiful little cowgirl"? Mitch asked Lily. She was wearing a Jessie outfit from Toy Story. She looked absolutely adorable. "You hate her sparkly outfit don't you"? Uncle Cam asked his husband.  "No, I told you it's fine, I just didn't like you wearing a matching one" Mitch argued. 

"Look, a horse" Mitch gasped to Lily, pointing to a little pony over in the near view. "Look Jay! So beautiful"! Gloria screeched. "You ears haven't popped yet, huh"? Jay asked sticking his finger's in his ears. "I'm like the Horse whisperer. But something is making this one skittish"! She yelled whilst patting the horse. 

"Whoa. Look at the mountains" Dylan gasped. "They're amazing" Hayley smiled. "I've never been this far away from home before. Now I have never been this far. Now I've never been this far" Dylan wondered taking a step each time he said it. "Where's a cliff when you need one" Claire muttered. 

"Look kids! A real life cow-boy"! Jay shouts as a man rides over on his horse wearing the stereotypical cow-boy gear, jeans, a flannel, boot's and a hat. "Come over. Come see, come see" Claire gasped pushing us along. The guy pulls out a small axe that leaves all a little shocked. "What is he doing"? Luke asked. "I have no idea" I answer raising an eyebrow. The man throws the small axe at a standing log with a bird carved into it. We all cheered as the axe stayed there. 

"My name is Hank. Here at the Lost Creek Ranch, you're gonna ride and you're gonna rope and you're gonna shoot. You're gonna see a sky so full of stars, it'll put your city lights to shame. And when it's all done, you might just encounter a piece of yourselves you never knew was there. Are they're any questions"? The cowboy introduced. "Do we book our spa treatments trough you or . . ."? Manny began to ask. "I like you kid. I'm gonna call you Hollywood" Hank smirked. "That wasn't an answer" Manny shrugged. 

"And who's this cactus flower" Hank asked looking at Gloria. "What"! Gloria yelled still because her ears hadn't popped. "That's my wife. Gloria" Jay smiled. "Well she's cactus flower now, old-timer" Hank demanded. Ooh, Jay just got called Old-Timer. "These nicknames. Are they set in stone"? Jay asked a little annoyed. We got back to the cabin me, Luke, Manny and Alex all got changed to go to the pool. Me and Alex brought books as I had one assignment due, but Alex was for fun. As usual. We were sat in the edge peacefully. We thought until. . .

SPLASH! A wave of water splashes over us. We both look up from our books and wipe the page with our arms. "Hey Hollywood" Luke teased Manny. "I don't love that" Manny whined.  "You wanna see something"? Luke asked. "Oh my gosh! Is that a fire cracker"!? Manny whisper yells. I shoot my head around to face the two whispering boys. "Shh! Now I just need to find the perfect thing to blow up" Luke smirked.

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