Send Out The Clowns!

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I was sat drinking my glass of orange juice after my breakfast when Manny walked in, "I see you" I snarled as I saw Jay passing Stella some of the cookie I made last night, "What? I'm scratching" Jay sighed scratching his head. "Hey, mom. Is it okay if I have a friend come over tomorrow"? Manny asked, "Who? Reuben? Or the nervous one who gets the nosebleed"? Gloria asked. "It's Griffin Cooper" Manny smiled. I nearly chocked on my juice, Griffin, why would he want to come over here, he's like super cool, cute-I mean funny. 

"Griffin Cooper"? I question, Griffin is by far the coolest kid in our grade, every girl likes him, I mean, who wouldn't? He is super athletic, really confident, "When did you guys become buddies? Was it a football game in the yard? You made a great catch"? Jay questioned, "No, that didn't happen. But the librarian told me one day, I'll be a great catch" Manny smiled as he went back upstairs. "Well, I'm really not getting that relationship" Jay sighed, "Why can't you except the fact that Manny's making new friends" Gloria frowned. 

"'Cause it doesn't add up. Cool kids like Griffin Cooper, they don't hang out with kids like Manny" Jay sighed, "Manny's very cool" Gloria defended. "Maybe those kids are finally catching up to him" Gloria hissed, "Wait a minute. I get it. Couple of days last week I took Manny and Julie to school on my motorcycle" Jay smirked, "Griffin must think your pretty boss" I laughed. "Yes, Jay. It's all because of you" Gloria huffed, "Kids are looking for role models. Why do you think Fonzie was so popular"? Jay laughed.

"He told people that they were rich, but really took their money with his scheme"? Gloria smirked, "No, that's a-Yes. Those people were victims of a Fonzie Scheme" Jay sighed, "Mmm" Gloria and I hummed. 


It was the next day and the doorbell rang, I heard Manny's footsteps run down the stairs, "I got it"! I heard him cool, "Remember keep it simple"! I yelled from my room. "Hey, Manny" I heard Griffin say,  "Griffin, the legendary creature of Greek mythology, with the head of a lion and wings of an eagle, what did you say Jay"? Manny welcomed, I walked downstairs, "Oh, hey Julie" Griffin waved, "Griffin, hi" I smiled. "Never mind" Jay mumbled, he walked into the room, he was wearing a leather jacket and some sun glasses. 

"Jay Pritchett, nice to meet you" Jay welcomed as he clicked his fingers and shook Griffin's hand. "Nice to meet you too" Griffin smiled as he shook Jay's hand, "You know I-uh, I saw a little of that basket ball game of yours last week, you were lightin' it up" Jay complemented, "Thanks" Griffin thanked, "I was lighting it up too Jay" Manny frowned. Literally Manny was our mascot he dressed in horse costume with sparklers and a basket ball jersey and chanted, "Who's hot? We're hot"! whilst dancing and making horse noises. 

"Hola, Griffin. How are you"? Gloria asked walking in the room, he just started staring at me, creep. Manny nudged him, "Uh-Oh! Thirteen" Griffin gulped, "Are you okay"? I laughed, "I'm fine" Griffin blushed. "So what do you boys have planned for today"? Gloria asked, "Well, it' kind of a surprise for Griffin, but let's just say it involves decoupage" Manny smiled. "Oh geez" I frowned, "Come on let's go" Manny smiled, "Bye...Julie" Griffin waved. 

"Oh, no" Gloria sighed, "What"? Me and Jay question, "You were right. This boy is not here to see Manny" Gloria frowned, "I told you. You see the way he looks at me"? Jay smirked, "No, Fonzie, the way he looks at Julie" Gloria smiled, "What"? Me I squealed, "He couldn't talk, he kept staring. It was like when I was younger and my teachers back in high school" Gloria frowned, "Julie...your very pretty but, the kid idolizes me" Jay smiled, "Really"? Me and Gloria scoffed, "Griffin! Manny"! Gloria yelled, "What are you doing"? I whisper yelled, "Proving my point" Gloria answered. 

"Do you want to go with Jay to ride his motorcycle, or you want to go with me and Julie to the super market and buy a couple of onions"? Gloria asked, "Motorcycle ride"! Manny shrugged, "Onions sound good" Griffin smiled, me and Gloria turned and looked at Jay, "I guess he has a thing for you both too" Jay huffed. 

It was later on and Griffin had left and Manny ran into the living room where me, Gloria, Jay and Stella were sat. "Hey Mom! Guess what"! Manny smiled, "What"? Me and Gloria asked looking up from the television, "Griffin invited us all over to his house for a pool party and barbecue tonight" Manny smiled. "Pool party, huh"? Jay shrugged, "Yeah, and he said bring your swim suits. He was pretty adamant about it" Manny added. "It's fifty degrees outside" Jay frowned, "Sounds fun" I smiled, "Great.  I'll call him" Manny chuckled. "You know, you're basically both agreeing to a date a thirteen year old boy" Jay reminded.

"Jay, we use this to get us tables at restaurants. Why can't we use this to get Manny a friend"? Gloria sighed pointing to herself. "Because he's not really getting a friend" Jay answered, "Oh, but you thought that he was trying to ride your motorcycle it was okay" I huffed, "Maybe I don't like what he's trying to ride now" Jay sighed. "Manny likes Griffin. Maybe someday, if they spend enough time together, Griffin will like Manny" Gloria shrugged. 

"What? Griffin doesn't like me"? I heard Manny's voice ask, I turned around, he looked so sad.  "no, no, no, no. Papi, he loves you" Gloria lied, "But you just said someday Griffin will like me. That means he doesn't like me now" Manny frowned, "You know what, kid?  We think that Griffin might be hanging out with you because he's got a little crush on your mother, Julie and I" Jay sighed, "On you"? I scoffed, "Wow, I can't believe it" Manny frowned, "Listen, it's fine. You're gonna be fine" I smiled, "I'm sorry" Gloria apologized. 

"Are you kidding! It's fantastic"! Manny smiled, "How is it fantastic"? I questioned, "I'm only hanging out with him because I have to hots for his sister Chloe. You've meet Griffin. The kid's a doorknob" Manny laughed, "So you're just using him"? I asked, "Yeah and I felt guilty about it-until now. Now it's a win-win" Manny smiled, "Not for us" I frowned pointing to me and Gloria, "Just suck it up, Julie...I've done a lot for you over the years, you too Jay and Mom. This girl could be the one, then I'm out your hair forever. Pool party Julie, dress accordingly" Manny smiled. 

The pool party was boring, Griffin, I didn't like anymore, he just kept staring at me, I went home early and just went to sleep soon after.

So much fun for the grades coolest boy. 

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓 𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐓𝐓- 𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝟏Where stories live. Discover now