Party Crasher!

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"We're going to Santa Barbra to pick up the bassinette" Gloria reminded me and Manny as she took our empty dishes away, "Or we can save five hours and go round the corner to baby town, what are you doing all day"? Jay asked walking in after getting ready for the day, "Jay" I huffed, "It's fine, Julie" Manny sighed, "No it's not fine, it's Manny's birthday" I smiled. "Aw, jeez I'm sorry, kid" Jay apologized, "Don't worry Reuben's family's taking me for a birthday lunch" Manny nodded, "You see? Even the Reuben's remembered, we'll be back at six, and we're taking you to a specials birthday dinner, okay"? Gloria suggested.

"We are"? Jay questioned, "Jay"! I huffed, "I'm sorry kid" Jay apologized again, he wasn't sorry, none of us were we knew the master plan, Jay, Me, Gloria, Uncle Cam, Mitch, The Dunphy's even Lily, we were all in on the plan. Manny's surprise birthday! It was the last birthday of us being a family of four, so we needed to make it special. 

Me, Jay and Gloria walked into the cake shop, "Oh, my God Julie look how beautiful" Gloria squealed pointing to a baby, "Look at this! But the bookstore is empty, this is why China's kicking our ass" Jay huffed, "thirty three"! The cake shop owner called from behind the counter, "Really, we got fifty nine" I frowned looking at the crumpled ticket in my hand. "We're so late, and we still have to pick up the drinks" Gloria whined, Jay pushed in front of everyone, "Excuse me...I'm terribly sorry...excuse me" I whispered trying to weave myself through everyone. 

"Sir ? This is ,my cake right here, how about I'll just leave the money, I take it"? Jay asked, "Sir, if I did that for you I'd have to do it for everyone" The cake worker sighed, "Not if you just did it for me" Jay huffed, "thirty three"! The man called ignoring Jay, "Excuse me...excuse're in a hurry for a birthday party" I smiled running after the man. "Oh, why didn't you say something? We don't see many of those around here" The man snarled, "You think you can intimidate my daughter with that attitude? What does she look like to you"? Gloria hissed. "thirty four"! The man called continuing to ignore us.

"Thank you.. but the point is my son is-" Gloria began, "Gloria, it's not worth it we don't need these people, come on, we'll get a better cake" Jay huffed, Jay dragged us both out of there, "Are you crazy? How are we-" I began, "I've got it covered, excuse me miss"?! Jay called to a passing woman who had also just left the cake store, she turned around, she was pushing a baby cart with a baby in it the cake on top. 

"I'm sorry I raised my voice in there, especially in front of the baby, I know how delicate they can be" Jay apologized, "Oh, you're so nice to say that, but you know theirs sturdier than you think" The woman chuckled, I sneakily took the cake without her seeing, "Yeah" Jay nodded, "In fact everyday I learn these little mir-" The woman began. "Yeah, take care now" Jay shrugged as I ran away, Gloria waddling behind me, Jay following. 

We got in the car and was about to exit the parking lot, "I know we're running late, Claire, we'll be there soon, just start setting up, what do you mean, 'surprise surprise"! Jay yelled into his phone, "Ay, ugh"! Gloria flustered as she looked around, "Hang on, I've gotta go, you take care" Jay huffed. "What's the matter"? I asked, "I can't find the parking ticket" Gloria panicked, "Calm down, everything's going to be fine, oh good it's a male attendant" Jay sighed. "What does that mean"? I asked, "How would you get out this situation if I wasn't here"? Jay hummed, Gloria nodded, "Hey Pal! My housekeeper forgot her ticket" Jay frowned. 

"You're going to need to back up, go up to third level, and find a pay station" The man huffed, "Are you not gonna let us go, I'm sure I put is somewhere around here"? Gloria whined moving her hair away from her top, "Pay station, third level" The man scowled, "Maybe you can let us go now, and next time I do you two times"? Gloria suggested, "The only way you're gonna get out is go back to the pay station" The man repeated, "Actually there is another way" I smirked, I nodded my head at Gloria she revved the engine and drove right through the boarder. "Aah"! Me and Gloria screamed, "You okay"? Jay asked, "Let's drive through something else"! I squealed.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓 𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐓𝐓- 𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝟏Where stories live. Discover now