Mystery Date!

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Me, Manny and Luke were sat in the back of the Dunphy's mini-van with Alex and Claire at the front, "Ello? House of the future" We all hear Phil cheer on the phone, "Phil you have two whole days to yourself, please tell me you're not gonna spend them trying to wire the house to you iPad" Claire sighed, "Nope, 'cause I've already done it, I think when you get home you're gonna be very surprised to see that this house has an actual functioning brain in it" Phil laughed. 

Me and Alex couldn't help but snicker, "Great...great, now go out and see some friends" Claire giggled, "I'm headed out now I have a third showing at that colonial, Cam gave me a free pass to his gym I am-Not too bright, I am-" Phil chuckled down the phone, "Mm" Claire hummed, Dim"! Phil yelled, Manny began to laugh, "Honey, if you could hear your self...promise me you'll go outside and play"? Claire asked, "Miss you too" Phil sighed as he ended the call. 

"Shall we hit the water slide first"? I asked Luke and Manny as we walked into the hotel we were staying in, were Alex's super smart and cool event was being held, "I may just sit in the room for a bit" Manny frowned, "Ugh! Stop moping! So you didn't get a date to one stupid dance" Luke huffed, "It's not one stupid dance, it's the kickoff to the whole dance season"! Manny exclaimed, "It's like you've never heard boy's talk" Luke frowned. "Nothing from the mini-bar and no pay-per view"! Claire demanded, "Can we at least-" Manny began, "No, you may not  send things out for pressing" Claire sighed. 

"Can you believe this is my first Bar Mitzvah"? I hear a girl speak, "You'll love it, I heard the gift bags have smartphones" The other giggled, "Jewish people are so awesome" The first girl laughed, the third girl was a girl with long blonde hair, with a blue dress, she accidently grazed Manny's shoulder, she turned around and flashed him a smile, I could see Manny begin to get flustered. "Oh, my god" Manny gasped, "You're in love" I smirked, "Did you see that? She smiled at me" Manny gawked. 

"People get that way in dance season" Luke shrugged, "No girls ever smiled at me like that before. Luke! We have to go to that Bar Mitzvah"! Manny begged. "Why"? Luke asked, "There was a connection I know this sounds crazy but I feel like my whole life has led to  this moment" Manny explained, "You made a very similar speech to get my mom stop  for those churros" Luke frowned. 

"Luke, I need you for this, you're sneakier than I am, you're a bigger liar, you have no moral too Julie" Manny begged, "Look, thanks for all the compliments, but breaking into one stupid party? That's not even a challenge" Luke chuckled, I looked at the poster behind us, it listed three different Bar Mitzvah's all for three different boys. "Oh no, three Bar Mitzvah's" I heard Manny sigh, "Now it's interesting" Luke cackled.

It was later and me, Luke and Manny were at the first Bar Mitzvah of our new adventure, I wasn't gonna come with them, but someone's got to keep and eye on them. It was the part where the the boy was lifted in the air by his friends on a chair, Manny looked ferociously around for his new love but me and Luke were checking out the food. Manny ran over to us, "She's not here we have the wrong Bar Mitzvah" Manny panicked. 

"Not if you like prime rib, Bubbie" Luke chuckled, "You said to blend" I laughed, "I picked up some expressions at the latke station" Luke shrugged, "There just hash browns" I sighed, "We're not blending, she's at one of the other two" Manny huffed dragging me and Luke out and accidently dumping into an elderly woman, "Oh, sorry" Manny apologized, "Such a hurry this one" Luke chuckled, "Come on" I laughed, before swiping a goodie bag.

We ran into our second Bar Mitzvah of the night, Luke got separated from us as we joined the dancing circle, I looked up on the chair and saw Luke with an uneasy grin, "Any luck"?! I shouted over the music he just put his thumbs down, me and Manny left the circle. 

Our last one, I had given up hope Luke had too, Manny was just on bridge of giving up, "How could she not be here too, this is hopeless" Manny frowned, "Have a little faith, did the Jews give up when the Egyptians chased them to the banks of the red sea"? I asked, "How do you know all that stuff"? Luke asked, "Was I the only one listening to Uncle Menachem's toast"?! I whisper yelled. 

"Well, I'm glad it worked out for the ancient Jews, but at the moment I don't see God doing me any-" Manny began, I looked behind the two boys and saw her...the girl! "Look! It's her" I squealed, Manny and Luke let out a gasp. Manny began to walk towards her, but was stopped when a cop grabbed his shoulders, "I'm not gonna embarrass you, but you got one minute to get out of too" The cop sighed looking at Luke and Manny, "Blended" I laughed. 

"It's for the best, all this snacking was kind of weighing on me, let's just grab out gift bags and go" Luke frowned, "No...Manny, you still have fifty seconds" I smiled, Manny looked at me confused, "Go" I laughed. Manny walked over, the girl didn't seem to happy, but Manny walked into the photo booth, I looked at Luke then I looked at the girl again, she better go and follow him, she did she smiled a skipped towards the photo booth. 

What a weird fourteen year old's love story...

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓 𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐓𝐓- 𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝟏Where stories live. Discover now