See you next fall!

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I was reading my book when I heard the phone ring, I ran into the hall way and picked it up, "Hello"? I asked into the phone, "Julie it's me" I hear Jay speak into the phone, "Hi, Jay how was the doctor? Also can you pick up some bread on the way home, Manny wants some avocado on toast" I asked. "I'm home, my damn gate remote won't work could you press-" Jay began before someone else came onto the line. 

"Hello"? I hear Manny's voice, "Nine" Jay sighed, "Manny, it's okay" I yelled into the phone, "What's okay? What's wrong? Where are you calling from"?  Manny asked worried, "I'm not calling from anywhere, Jay is calling" I sighed, "What's wrong with Jay"? Manny asked, "My clicker won't work" Jay yelled, "Oh, my God! Your hearts not working how you tell us this over the phone"? Manny gasped, "My heart is fine! Would somebody please press nine, and let me in"? Jay asked again. "Okay" I sighed, "Got it" Manny added, we pressed nine, nothing happened. "It won't work if your both on the line" Jay huffed, "Okay" Me and Manny sighed putting the phone down. "Every damn time"! I hear Jay yell from outside. 

About ten minutes later Jay walks in, "Where were you? Did you get Manny's bread"? Gloria asked, "I was stuck outside the gate for ten minutes before it finally opened" Jay sighed, "So no bread"? I asked, "We gotta get that thing fixed" Jay huffed ignoring my question. "What happened to your eye"? I asked poking Jay's swollen eye. "What are you talking about"? Jay scoffed. "It's droopy" I frowned, "What do you mean droopy"? Jay scoffed swatting my hand out of his face.

"Uh, I don't like the look of that, Jay. Here. Let me check something" Manny shrugged taking his phone out, "Put that thing away. I saw my dermatologist. He was checking for moles or something. He probably got some numbing cream on it. It's fine" Jay sighed walking into the living room, "Nothing to worry about"! He yelled.

We all got dressed and prepared for Alex's graduation and was waiting in the backyard for Mitch, Uncle Cam and Lily. "Hey"! We heard a familiar voice shout, it was Mitch, "Hey guys, come on over here"! Jay yelled pointing to our outside table. "We have lemonade and cookies" I squealed, "Jay, that's not looking to good" Gloria whispered. "It's fine" Jay huffed. "Quick! Who's the president"? Manny asked, "Obama"! Me and Phil shouted giving each other a high five each. "Guys, please. I'm trying to rule out a stroke" Manny whined. 

"A stroke"? I choked on my lemonade, "It's not a stroke" Jay sighed hitting my back. "Why does everyone always assume that I'm having a stroke"? Jay scowled, "Age. . " Claire began, "Diet" I added, "You forgot to bring my bread" Manny scowled. "I'm sorry we're late" Mitch apologized. "It's okay, but we gotta leave in about five minutes though" Claire smiled. "Luke, stop pushing that ball around"! Claire yelled as Luke was pushing a ball around with a long stick on the edge of the pool. "You're gonna fall in"! I yelled. 

"Oh, yes and then your Uncle Mitchell will laugh at you expense" Uncle Cam snarled, something must have gone on, "I'm just saying it's a character flaw" Uncle Cam mumbled. "Okay, quick poll here. This morning, Cam-fully dressed-" Mitch began to explain, "Thank god it's one of those stories" Jay smirked. "While in the middle of a very serious thought  fell into a ducky pool" Mitch laughed. "Oh, my goodness are you alright"? Phil asked Uncle Cam. "Are you hurt"? I asked him. "Yes, I am. That is a normal reaction, Love and concern" Uncle Cam nodded, "Okay, wait wait wait. The pool popped" Mitch laughed. No one found it funny, "Ay, poor thing" Gloria frowned. "There's nothing worse than a tailbone injurie" Claire sighed. "Seriously"? Mitch gasped. 

"no, no, no. You're so full of it. You know this is funny. Picture this- falling into a tiny pool" Mitch laughed. "He'll be here all week folks. . .literally because you're not coming home with me" Uncle Cam tutted. "There she is. . .there's my little girl" Claire smiled running up to me. "What"? I questioned, "Oh, I just want to eat your face" She squealed picking me up, "Aww" Phil awed as he ran over, "Remember when you used to hold Alex like that. You used to want to eat her face" Phil chuckled. "Yeah" Claire whispered into my hair. "Now, she's off to high school. Time marches on huh"? Phil sighs.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓 𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐓𝐓- 𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝟏Where stories live. Discover now