Punkin Chunkin!

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Me and Manny had been working on the thanksgiving dinner center piece for a while now we had just finished. "Okay, come on in"! Manny announced to Gloria and Jay who where patiently waiting for us to finish. Gloria and Jay walk in and Gloria claps, "Voila"! Me and Manny gasp doing jazz hands against our new masterpiece. "Okay, what are we looking at"? Jay grumbles. 

"Our centerpiece for thanksgiving" Manny smiled. "It's wonderful, you two are both so talented" Gloria smiles. "I can't believe that you did this"! She squeals excitedly. "Yeah, my juices were really flowing with this one" Manny joked. "We actually shot a making of video" I whisper yelled excitedly. "Hey, maybe we can watch it later at the party" Manny begs excitedly. 

"Oh yeah, that or football" Jay smirked. "Mi amor's I'm so proud of you"! Gloria yelled as me and Manny walked away. "Is there nothing in the world you can't do"! She complimented us every time we did something, nothing like how it use to be. I love Gloria like a mom now. She is so kind and sweet, she's always there for me. I hear Jay mutter something but not exactly what he said.

I'm having seconds thoughts about this centerpiece" Manny sighed looking down at our mess infront of him. "Ay, no" Gloria smiled. "Hear them out" Jay insisted. "I think if we bring it to Phil and Claire's we'll never see it again. right"? Manny asked. "That's the plan" Jay mumbled earning a stern glare from me and Gloria. "Well that'll be sad" I added. "Except maybe our sadness will inspire me to create something even greater. Remember that collage I made that help us get through Katrina"? Manny asked. 

"Mm-hmm" Gloria agreed. "You did this, you know that" Jay whispered. "So, is this the legendary rice pilaf we've been hearing about"? Me and Manny asked looking at the brewing pot. "Try for yourself" Jay insisted passing Manny and I a wooden spoon. 

"I used to make it every year but it, uh, sort of up staged the turkey" Jay bragged. Manny put the spoon back in the pot and left an uncertain look spread on his chubby face. "Something wrong"? Jay asked. 

"Not so much wrong as. . .missing. It just taste a little flat" Manny said as he tried to get rid of the taste. "That a fact"? Jay asked sarcastically. "I just think with the earthiness of the rice, you might want something zesty to set it off" I joked which gained an eyebrow raise from Gloria and Jay. 

"I think this might be a job for Cumin" Manny added. "You know since we're sharing helpful criticisms. . ." Jay began before Gloria cut him off. "No, no, no. Nobody's sharing anything. . .Both of you go change for the party" Gloria demanded. 

"No, no, no. I appreciate the helpful critisms. It's uh. . .It's important for me that I hear the truth, makes me stronger and less of a mamma's boy" Jay teased gaining a glare from Gloria and a confused one from me and Manny. "Yeah mom" Manny agreed. "He can take it" I added. 

"That's what he says, but you don't really know what he feels underneath. Some people are so sensitive that they can hear one criticism. . .and it kills the spark that made them special" Gloria explained. "I think I know what's going on here" Manny sighed. 

"Good" Jay hissed. "This is about you and your mom, isn't it"? Manny asked Jay. I shuffled uncomfortably in my seat. "Yes, it is" Gloria lied, "No it isn't" Jay argue. "Yes it is"! Gloria yelled. "Julie, Manny don't upset me anymore. Go! Go change" Gloria ordered. 

"What should we were"? Me and Manny ask. "Ai! You both look good in everything" Gloria smiled. Me and Manny both gave her a toothy grin before leaving.  I quickly got changed and realized I had ran out of chap stick. 

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