15. Seven

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TW:  (just very negative stuff) semi-verbal abuse

I didn't want to wake up today.

I didn't want to wake up and face my everyday struggles. I didn't have anything to look forward to.

I try at least somewhat every day. But that isn't enough.

I'm not enough.

I decided to wake up anyways and see what shit happens today.

I woke up at around 11:23 or so.

I shivered when the cold air hit my bare skin when I threw my blanket off. My throat was super dry too. It hurt to swallow.

I was too lazy to change into some decent clothes so I just left on some basketball shorts with a big blue T-shirt that was way too big on me.

I looked in the mirror. I looked like utter shit.

My eyes were still puffy and dry from my midnight crying session, and my face was pale.

I lifted up my shirt to see what it looked like a new plethora of bruises. I saw a few cuts too.

"God damnit." I mumbled while looking at them.

Why can't I just have a peaceful life? Is that really too much to ask for?

I walked out of my room and headed downstairs to get some milk for my sore throat.

I saw my mom making some food. I was too tired to care that she was even there.

I felt like crying again. I hate mornings. I also hate waking up.

I sat on a chair that was facing the counter. I folded my arms and laid them and my head down on the cold countertop.

"You hungry?"

Mom asked while handing me a plate of food.

I looked up at what she made. She made me some rolled omelets along with some rice and miso soup.

She normally made a lot of Japanese foods, especially for breakfasts.

We only had American food on special occasions.

The food was steaming. It smelled really good too.

I pulled the plate closer to me.

"Yeah. Thank you." I said before eating.

It was a small selection of food but it was good nonetheless.

Mom always cooked good meals for me. All the time.

I really should learn how to be more grateful. Other kids aren't so fortunate to have warm meals like this. I'm so selfish sometimes.

Maybe.. I should love my mom more. She puts a roof over my head and.. does a lot for my sake.

I know she hits me a lot and I hate it so much but.. maybe she does love me deep down.

At least a little bit.


Once I finished my food. I took my dishes to the sink and washed them and set them on the opposite side of the sink.

I saw my mom sitting on the couch drinking a beer while watching TV.

She drinks this early in the morning? That's kind of disgusting. Well, it's no surprise.

I sighed quietly.

You know, maybe If I didn't act so spoiled all the time maybe.. maybe mom would stop hitting me, and actually love me for once.

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