26. Mono

712 30 25

-3 Years Ago-

"Hey Mono, what do ya feel like eating?"

My mom asked as she drove through our normal, suburban neighborhood with me in the back seat.

"Um, I'm not sure. I'm not really that hungry."

I mumbled as I slumped back into the seat and put my feet on the back of the passenger seat, looking out the window.

It was a nice, warm afternoon.

The sun hugged me as rays traveled through branches of trees into the car as we drove by them.

I stared at my brown high top converse on the seat, along with the black pants I had on.

"You want to walk down to the city and go find something? I can give you some money."

"I guess that's fine. What about you?"
I asked

"Oh I can probably just get something delivered no problem."

She said.

We we're driving home from a doctor's appointment.

I sprained my ankle badly a while back because I fell out of a tree. I broke some bone.

I'm all healed now but I had to go get it checked one last time.

I was paranoid because my mom didn't allow me to wear my bag when we went to my appointments.

I hated showing my face around people. It irks me.

Also my doctor is really creepy.

He gives me the chills.

I never wanna be rude when I'm there though.

My mom is too kind and doesn't think a lot of people, she always expects the good in the people, which is actually quite dangerous.

But I adore her innocence.

Don't even get me started with school. I hate it. I got called in to the counselor's office cuz of it. They probably think I'm going through an identity crisis.

I had to cover my face with the little hair I had.

My mom's trying to break the habit of me wearing it, but I don't see that happening any time soon.

We pulled into the drive way of our house.

I ran to my room and grabbed my bag and my trench coat.

"Here's 20 dollars. You should be able to buy something decent with it."

My mom said while handing it to me from out of her wallet.

"Thank you."

"No problem kiddo, be safe okay?"

"Ok Mom!"

I grabbed my skateboard that was by the door.

Whenever I go to the city I take it since it's kinda far to walk. Its takes 8 minutes to skate there so I do that instead.

I walked out onto my porch and down my drive way with my skateboard in my hand.

I put a earbud in and started skating.

I skated through my neighborhood towards with the city while listening to fly out west by yot club.

Skating to the city was normal for me I do it all the time.

I only skate if I'm going somewhere though, not really for fun as much as I used to.

Once I was there, I put my bag on my head as I walked through the busy sidewalks full of people.

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