24. Mono (+Concept Art)

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I sat on my bed. Trying to process the events that I experienced. This was a terrible situation but I had to figure out something. I couldn't just sit here, but I feel that's all I can do right now.

I took a deep breath and sat up off my bed. I took off my shirt and changed into a tank top.

I grabbed a speaker from my room and my phone and headed to the bathroom closing the door behind me.

I hooked up my phone to my speaker and blasted Vas by Jagger Finn. I turned on the faucet to the sink and blocked the hole so it would fill up to the brim of it.

I sat there looking down with my hands on the counter.

Once the sink was full I dunked my whole head into it.

I opened my eyes as I heard the music muffled within the water.

Whenever I felt nervous or felt like giving up, I'd always do this. It's been a while since I've done this though, but this time it was a different feeling.

I didn't feel like giving up or any sort of nervousness much less anxiety. It was the quite the opposite actually.

I felt like I had a purpose, a duty to fulfill, a reason to keep going.

I don't think I've ever felt something like this.

My whole life I've been shut out from everything and, almost everyone. I feel like the only people who've ever actually cared about me was my parents.

I feel like now, I've taken them for granted so much.

I never realized that there was never really a piece of me missing to begin with, I was more broken then anything and just needed a little repairing.

My own emotions and mind played tricks on me.

Now, it's different. I feel like none of that even matters now, and it never did. My negative thoughts about myself never did me any favors or made me feel any better, so they weren't worth listening to.

I lifted my head out of the water and drained it.

I looked up at my drenched face and hair.

I just smiled as I let the water drip down onto my clothes and my arms.

I took a towel and sloppily dried my hair and arms.

I turned off my speaker and grabbed my phone.

I have to just keep going regardless of what I think the outcome might be. I don't know what's going to happen but that's all the more reason to just keep trying.

I texted six,

I texted six,

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