17. Mono

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"So, about you're plan, how exactly are we going to search his house. We're not the FBI. We can't just bust in. We need a plan."

Six said as she pulled out a Juul.

I wonder how much she actually smokes. Its really bad for her especially since she's so young

But I wonder how she got into the habit. I'm not comfortable asking so soon. I feel like I would be out of my place for doing so.

I had a feeling that I would get pretty used to smelling  cigarette smoke now.

I was sitting against the opposite wall while Six leaned out over her window, with her elbows proped up against the window sill.

"I know that..well for starters, you know a lot more than I do. Do you know how often anyone is home?"

I asked

She let out a cloud of smoke from the window while she thought in silence for a second.

"Well one thing I know is that Seven's dad works pretty much all day, He doesn't get home till around like 7 or 8 maybe? And his mom well..I don't really know where she goes or what she does during the day."

She said

"I'm sure we can ask about that. There's no reason why he wouldn't tell us."

That seems like a pretty basic question. I don't think it should raise suspicion.

"What do you think about Seven's dad? Do you think he has anything to do with it?"

Six questioned.

In all honesty I don't think his father could be that involved. Mainly because he works all day, naturally his mother would be the only one home alone with him, and i didn't see any suspicious behavior from his dad.

"No. I don't"

I said.

"I'm almost certain."

I was. I think his Mom is the only one involved in this, but the again. I don't know what happens beyond the closed doors.

Anything could be happening.

and that's the most scariest thought about it all.

" I have a plan. "

I said.

" You know you think very fast. I can't even imagine what goes on in that head of yours. "

Six scoffed.

" We'll that's because the billions of brain cells I have actually function."

I said with a cocky smile.

"WHAT??! Oh shut the hell up. Your brain's probably gonna explode with all those cells. Then you'll have none."

I laughed.

I got this warm feeling in my heart.

I've never really had a friend like this before.

It feels nice to laugh with someone. Especially a friend.

I never really knew how it felt. I've been alone almost my whole life.

There wasn't really any particular reason, I just guess I wasn't really that sociable.

I even got pulled into counselor's offices sometimes. They thought something was wrong with me.


"Well, anyways Six. I got an idea. We can either do this in pairs, or, we can do this alone."

I said

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