Dainsleif | Stars

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"I'll go through the worlds and through the stars just to meet again"

"I'll go through the worlds and through the stars just to meet again"

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fluff and angst

Dainsleif x Reader


I sighed looking up at the stars. The stars of Celestia were supposed to welcome people that were lonely. But to me, I was just getting mocked, mocked about my loneliness, my misfortune.

I used to live in Mondstadt just like everyone else. But after my parents died, I had to take care of myself on the streets. I had to resort to stealing, sometimes even fighting, to get a few scraps of bread.

The Church soon kicked me out of Mondstadt and now I live in an abandoned cottage in Brightcrown Cliff.

I heard some rustling noises and I turned my head.

There stood a man, he had short golden, blonde, hair and very eccentric clothing. I could tell right away he wasn't from Mondstadt, even Liyue.

The man, very, very pretty.

"D-do you need anything? Are y-you lost?" I asked, standing up. I brushed off my skirt and walked over to the man. He watched me carefully and then replied, "I'm fine, I know my way around here, are you, stargazing?"

I bit my lip and clenched my fists. I let out a small chuckle. I sat down and patted the spot next to me. He hesitated before sitting down next to me. The wind blew gently, rustling our hair.

"Stargazing huh? They only remind me of the loneliness and humiliation that I had to go through to get through here." I said coldly, my head drooping down.

Dainsleif seemed to relate to me and he nodded as well. "I, also have been through the feel of loneliness"

I smiled, "So, mysterious man, what's your name? I'm Y/N!" His sapphire eyes met my bland, brown eyes.

"Just call me Dainsleif," he said, looking back to the stars. Huh, what a funny name for a guy dressed like him.

I pulled my knees to my chest and said, "I think we'll make good friends, Dainsleif."


Over the course of weeks, weeks turning into months, Dainsleif would come by and we would talk for a little before he departed to wherever he stayed. I always tried to learn more about him but he would never tell me anything. All I knew was that he traveled alone and was from somewhere very different from Mondstadt. 

As I got to know him, I couldn't help fall more deeply in love with him, not just from looks, but from his personality. He wasn't very talkative but when he spoke, he was kind, kinder than how the people of Mondstadt treated me.

I awoke in the middle of the night and got ready to meet Dainsleif. Nowadays, I tried to make myself look presentable, brushing my hair and not just wearing my pajamas.

I slipped out and went to our meeting spot, a nice cliffside to look out onto Cider Lake. I waited for him to arrive and to no surprise, he did.

But his aura felt, different.

"Eh, Dainsleif? Are you alright?" I said, getting up, wobbling around the edge of the cliff. One wrong move and I would fall into the lake.

And well, it sorta happened.

Suddenly there was a large gust of wind and I lost my balance. I slipped off the sloped edge of the cliff and I thought I was going to die. 

I didn't want to die yet, not when Dainsleif was still here.

But I didn't feel the cold water surround me. I felt someone's warmth.

My eyes fluttered open and I was met with Dainsleif holding me in his arms, making sure I wouldn't fall again.

Once I registered what happened, my face burned and I pulled myself away.

"You should really be more careful, not everyone is willing to save you," he said calmly. My face was flushed and I tried to speak but no words came out. I muttered a small "thank you" and I felt Dainsleif place a hand on my shoulder.

"I'm leaving"

I spun around, my eyes wide.

"W-what do you mean?" I said, stuttering. Was he really leaving me? These times were the only times I felt truly happy.

"I can't stay forever, I'm a traveler, one that shouldn't even be here," he said solmly. I shook and my hands gripped my chest. 

It hurts...

It hurts so bad...

"But, I will come back, I will try my best to come back to you," he said, lifting my head up. There were tears falling down my face, my lip trembling.

He brushed away the tears from my face and I slowly met his eyes. It was different, his gaze was warm and kind.

I swiftly wrapped my arms around him and he flinched. I held him tightly and he carefully wrapped his arms around my petite body.

I ugly cried into his chest but he didn't seem to mind, he patted my hair gently.

"Y-you promise me that you'll come back?" I asked as he brushed more tears away. He let out a small chuckle and nodded.

"I promise, it may take months, years," he paused and he pressed a soft peck against my forehead. My eyes widened and my face flushed. I could feel my heart beating fast.

"but I'll come back, no matter how far I have to travel, I will come back, even if it means I'll have to bend fate"


A/N: I think I'm on Dainsleif brain rot.

I hope you all enjoyed this bittersweet one-shot, a bit shorter, but many more feels.

I got my husband Xiao, he came home after 76 wishes. Just waiting for Venti


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