Childe | Mine

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(I'm on yandere brain right now)

"Your mine and only mine, dear"

Is it fluff, angst, I have no idea

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Is it fluff, angst, I have no idea

Childe x Reader

tw: blood, corpses, torture


Crimson stained the walls and floor.

The moonlight making the blood sparkle.

Childe's latest victim laid on the floor, dismembered and covered in the sparkly, crimson liquid.

Childe frowned, he had made a bigger mess than expected.

Sooner or later, the body will fade into dust, leaving just the bloodstain.

This person had interrupted your conversation with you a couple of weeks ago.

And no one.

No one.

Can even lay their gaze on you.

You were his.

Only his.

He will make that happen.

At no cost.

Even if it means you hated him forever.


I hummed softly, walking around in Liyue Harbor. The fresh smell of street food cooking and the saline sea calmed me. 

Many people have been disappearing lately. A lot of people I interacted with disappeared a few weeks later. 

This made me very uneasy, like soon, someone will come for me next.

I sighed and headed to buy groceries, trying not to make too much eye contact.

But I stood out, a lot. 

I was from Khaen'riah, having just escaped in time before my hometown was destroyed. My closest relative was Kaeya Alberich, he stayed in Mondstadt while I retreated to Liyue.

Suddenly, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned my head to see an unfamiliar boy. He wore glasses and looked a bit shy and uncomfy.

"Can I help you?" I asked, shifting my basket from hand to hand.

"I- uh- th-these are for you, ma'am," he muttered, embarrassed. I took the flowers softly, examining them for a little.

Then I realized, he must work at a bouquet store and happened to have extras!

"Wow these are really pretty, thank you!" I said, smiling. The boy's eyes widened and he looked like he could faint, but I brushed it off, he was probably just shy.

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