Diluc | Love

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"You, love me, right..?"

(Manga Diluc looks way too cute)

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(Manga Diluc looks way too cute)

Diluc x Reader

slight angst and fluff


Being the ‎‎Ragnvindr‎ fiance should be the happiest time of my life, right? 

I should be happy that I get to marry the love of my life, right?



 Diluc was my best friend since we were kids. I always hung out with Diluc and Kaeya, his family and mine were friends. 

It was announced that I would take Diluc ‎‎Ragnvindr‎'s hand in marriage. At first, we were both so giddy and we would spend most of our time together, wandering around the Dawn Winery together.

That was until his father died. 

When his father died, it felt like Diluc had shut me outside in the rain. He would spend time in his room, he even quit the Knights of Favonius. Sometimes, when I would try to talk to him, he would coldly tell me to leave him alone.

I knew he was in pain, but all I wanted was to help him. I usually slept alone after that. 

He went to go find out who killed his father for 4 years. I ran the Dawn Winery with the help of Kaeya.

When he came back, he was much more mature and much, much colder. 


I woke up, alone. Diluc would sleep at midnight and wake up at dawn. I sighed and got up and got dressed. I bit my lip when I saw what I was wearing.


Diluc and I were walking through Mondstadt, hand in hand, when we passed by a clothing store. I faltered a bit, my gaze landing on a dress in the display window.

Diluc must have noticed my fancy for it and smiled, "Do you want me to buy it for you?"

My eyes widened and my face flushed a little, "There's no need, I don't want you wasting money on me."

Diluc made a slight pouting face and said, "It's not wasting if it's for you."  

My face flushed and I buried my reddening face into the crook of his shoulder. He gently pat my head and pressed a soft kiss in my hair.

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