Razor | Hunting and Head Pats

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"You are so cute!"

"You are so cute!"

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Razor x Reader


It's been a while since I saw Razor and I felt kind of bad. I met him when I was exploring and an Abyss Mage captured me. He must of been passing by because then, I saw some Electro elements and Razor caught me in his arms. 

I guess you could say, it was love at first sight. 

I sighed and made some food, hashbrowns shaped like paws, Razor's favorite and packed up some other supplies, and went out to Wolvendom.

As I was on the path, a couple of whopperflowers and a bunch of large slimes. I tried fighting them off with my bow but I was hit in the gut by multiple slimes. 

I can't believe I lost to some low life creatures.

I just gave up, it hurt too much for me to move, I just sat there and accepted my fate.

That was until Razor knocked out the rest of the monsters. He rushed by my side and asked, "You okay? You need help standing?"

I nodded and suddenly Razor lifted me off my feet. My face flushed up and I stuttered, "W-what are you doing?" Razor tilted his head at me with a faint shade of pink on his cheeks and said, "Razor help. Can't stand. I carry"


I blushed and let him carry me. I pulled my bag onto my stomach and took out the hashbrowns.

"Here, for you, Razor, say ah!" I said, smiling. Razor blushed and opened his mouth. I placed the hashbrown in his mouth and he ate it. "It was...good. Thank you," he said, looking away. I patted his head and his face went completely red. 

"You are so cute and fluffy! Just like a wolf!" I said, beaming at him. I could feel his heart rate increase and his body heat up. 

"Are you sick? Your face is heating up," I teased, he looked away, clearly flustered. 

"G-go to lupical. Heal," he stuttered as his pack came into view. A couple of wolves started charging at us and I braced for impact but then Razor stopped them. "She family," he said and he said the same thing but in his other language. He explained what happened to them and he set me down. Multiple of little wolf pups came up to me and started playing around me. Soon, the other wolves began to trust me and they helped me. 

Some of the adult males left and I asked Razor, "Where are they going?"

"They hunt. I go too," he said, he stood up and I did the same. "I'll come with you! I'll help!" I said, gripping Razor's arm so I didn't fall over. 

"No, you stay. You hurt," he said, starting to sit me back down, which made me jump back up, hurting myself in the process. "No! You and your pack has been so nice to me and I should repay you guys!" I said, standing my ground.

Razor pouted a bit and (made me blush) carried me again. "Fine. If you go. I carry. You use bow to hunt," he said as he began to catch up to his wolf pack.

~ After hunting ~

After hunting, the pack that went hunting brought back all the meat and they all ate. I couldn't eat raw food so I unpacked the hashbrowns and ate some. Razor sat down next to me and I gave him some as well. Most of the pack went to sleep and we went out onto a cliffside where we could see Mondstadt.

"Thank you for taking such good care of me!" I said, kissing him on the cheek and grinned at him cheekily. His eyes widened and his cheeks were bright pink. He then...


Kissed me! He kissed me on the lips and put his hands around my waist. He pulled back and his cheeks were flushed red.

He then pulled me into a tight embrace until I said, "I like you Razor!" I staring into his red eyes. "Like me..? Then, I like you too," he said shyly. I used my thumb to wipe off some dirt on his cheek.

"Hehe, you'll always be my wolf!" I said, patting his head. 

He intertwined his hand into mine as we watched the stars in the sky.


Anyways, I was getting vibed from when Razor comes and saves you when you first meet him. 

Hope you enjoyed!

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