Childe | Teasing You is So Fun

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"I just love teasing you"

"I just love teasing you"

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Childe/Tartaglia x Reader


I hate Childe.

...But, I like him too.

He always teases me and it gets on my nerves, but he does care about me. It's so frustrating. Oh, here he comes. 

"Hey Y/N, whatcha up to?" Childe asks, playing with my hair. I was trying to make my sword stronger.

"Just trying to make my sword stronger," I say as I added more materials to the alchemy table. As I was heating up some metal, I burned my hand on the fire. It hurt A LOT. 

I shouldn't have asked Xinyan to heat it, she made it a bit too hot.

"Y/N, are you ok? Let me help," Childe said worriedly. He formed a ball of water in his hands and placed it on top of my hand with his hand holding mine. I became extremely flushed.

"Y-you don't have to do that! I can just grab some bandages!" I yelped. He must have noticed my blush because he smirked and said, "Is something wrong? Is it that bad for me to be your boyfriend?" 

My face burned even more. I wouldn't be surprised if I had a pyro vision instead now. 

But it still kind of hurt. I guess he was always just playing around with me. Why do I even care? He probably already has a girlfriend or boyfriend. 

Tears welled up in my eyes and without thinking, I released Childe's grip and ran off. I could hear the faint call of Childe and the stares of other people, but I couldn't care less, I pushed myself to think that he just looked at me as a friend or even less. 

~ a few minutes later ~

"Woah, Y/N, what happened?" Keqing walked into my room. I was just crying, there were tissues everywhere and faint tears remained on my face.

"I'm just upset, I just need something to distract me so that's why I called you over," I said, giving her a small smile.

"Who did this!?" Keqing yelled, reaching for her sword. Here we go again. I calmed her down and explained everything except mentioning Childe's name. I doubt anything good would come out of that.

"Fine, let's go out and eat instead," she said, sighing. She started to drag me out of my room when I said, "Wait! What about you being the Yuheng of the Liyue Qixing?"

"My best friend is much for important than that, now cmon!" she said, dragging me beside her. We headed to Wamin Restaurant to try Xiangling's new dish. As I was laughing and joking around with Keqing, I saw Childe walk by. I kinda felt bad about just running off, so I stood up and walked towards him. 

He looked terrible. His eyes were puffy and his nose was red. "Childe! What's wrong?" I asked concerned.

"Could we talk, somewhere private?" he asked, and I couldn't say no. Besides, I might as well tell him what I am feeling, I thought it was obvious enough but I guess not. 

I told Keqing I had to go and said goodbye but, as I was leaving, I saw a smug look on her face.

~ a couple of awkward minutes later ~

Childe and I arrived at my house and I let him sit at my desk. "So, what did you need?" I asked. 

"Do you hate me, Y/N? I mean, a lot of people do but do you hate me because of the way I act personally?" he said. I was shocked and without thinking, I yelled, 

" Why would I hate you? You are such an amazing person! You have such a high position in the shady Fatui yet I still look up to you! Who wouldn't like you? I l-" I stopped myself. I couldn't say I liked him. He might feel the same.

"Like me? Do you actually like me?" Childe asked. I stood there wide-eyed. He knows now. I just hoped he wouldn't hate me after finding that out.

"Uh, yes, I do," I say with my voice trembling. Please, don't hate me after this. Suddenly, I felt something warm on my lips. 

He, he was kissing me!? I was so happy, I never thought he would like me back. After separating our lips to breathe, I gave him a big hug. 

"Hehe, thank you for liking me," I say jokingly and I snuggle up next to him. He gave me a kiss on the cheek and said, "I like you too, Y/N."

"Aaah shut up or you'll make me cry," I said, punching him lightly. I felt at peace, knowing that out there, someone was waiting for me, and that person with Childe, #11 of the Fatui Harbingers. Childe was grinning at me with his goofy smile and said,

"Well, you always know, teasing you is so fun."

A/N: Hello! I added more kissing hehe.

Sorry if they are a little bit short, I wanna get a bunch of chapters out.

Hope you enjoyed it!

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