Albedo | Hiding

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"You're not going anywhere~"

(A/N: Before we start, there WILL be a slight amount of suggestive smut. Don't like it? Don't read it. Also, I don't really know Albedo's personality so I'll try my best)

 Also, I don't really know Albedo's personality so I'll try my best)

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fluff and a little smut 

Albedo x Reader


I'm going to kill Kaeya later.

He left me and Albedo in charge of Klee while he went out "working".

He mostly did that because he knew about my crush on Albedo. I sighed and took Klee into her special room that won't set the whole headquarters on fire and where Albedo was waiting. 

"Hello Y/N, Klee," Albedo said softly. I waved awkwardly and sat down.

"Hi, Albedo! Can we go bury some treasure!" Klee said excitedly. Albedo nodded at the energetic girl and I followed behind them. 

~ A couple of awkward (for Y/N) minutes later ~

We arrived at the Whispering Woods where Klee likes to bury her treasure. Klee began to dig and I just sat under a tree. I was always awkward around other people so I didn't talk much. It'd been a while since I had a proper conversation with someone other than Kaeya. 

Klee started to dig a hole and Albedo sat down next to me. My face immediately flushed up I buried my face into my knees. Albedo just stared at me for a bit.

"U-uh, do you have a problem with me..." I softly mumbled. His eyes widened and he put his hand on mine and said, "No no, it's just that you look really pretty."

I have died.

I looked at him with wide eyes and I froze completely. My arms and legs fell to the sides and my face was bright red as an apple. 

I couldn't move. I was just so shocked. I'm pretty? 

Klee came over and said, " I finished burying my treasure! Huh, Y/N, are you alright, your face is all red. Are you sick?" 

"I-i'm fine! It's justbecauseofalltheheatandstuff!" I said, flustered. Klee just shrugged and ran back to Mondstadt. Albedo extended his hand and I gingerly took it. Suddenly he pulled me up and wrapped his arm around my waist.

"I'm- wha- why-," I stuttered once more. I wish the dear archons could have just made me vanish but nope, I was in Albedo's arms. He gave me a small smile and said, " C'mon now, we don't need Klee burning down the HQ"

He let go of my waist but held my hand in his hand. I felt like melting on the spot, just like how my Cryo Elemental Burst would melt on Pyro slime.

"Wh-why are you treating me like this? I asked, burying my head into my hands. He put a finger to his lip and said, "Hm, I'll tell you later."

How long will I have to suffer...

~ At the HQ ~

We arrived at the HQ with Klee in her special room.

"What took you guys so long!" Klee asked, pouting. Albedo smiled and said, " Y/N was just being a slowpoke. Anyways, why don't we play a game of hid and seek? You count to 100 and we'll hide"

Klee pouted a bit and said, "Fine, that's a long time though."

Before I could protest, Albedo dragged me to his alchemy lab. He then proceeded to shove me into the supply closet and walked in himself.

It was small but big enough for both of us to fit comfortably.

"Why did you bring me here, are you going to tell me why you treat me like this too?" I whispered. He suddenly brought his face up to mine and smiled with his head tilted. 

"It's because I like you," he said. I could feel tears well up in my eyes, blush dusted onto my cheeks and my hand over my mouth. 

"I-I-I like you too!" I shouted, a bit too loudly, and before I could make any more noises, Albedo pressed his lips onto mine. He pulled away and I could see the faint blush on his cheeks.

He gave me a cheeky grin and brushed away all the tears.

And then I did something I couldn't imagine.


I kissed him on the lips. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he wrapped his around my waist.

Suddenly, I heard the outside door open and we jumped apart. 

"Klee still hasn't been able to find them anywhere!" Klee shouted. Someone must've been with her.

"C'mon Klee, we'll go out and get some ice cream, I think Y/N and Albedo are... busy."

That voice. It was Kaeya. 

I'll remind myself to thank him later. 

Kaeya and Klee left the room, leaving Albedo and me alone. 

"So does my m'lady want to continue this here or somewhere more private," Albedo asks, grinning again. How can this man be so cute yet so perverted at the same time?

"F-for the sake of my dignity and everyone else's, we should do this somewhere else, your place maybe?" I timidly said, biting my nail. 

"Alright then," Albedo said, whisking me to my feet as we headed to his home.

~ A couple of lovey-dovy minutes that I am too lazy to write later ~

Before I could say anything about his house, he kissed me. 

He caught me so off guard I fell back. 

But, before I felt the hard wooden floor against my back, I felt someone pull me back up. Albedo's arm was around my chest and pulled me up to his chest. 

"Oh my, is m'lady ok?" he asked, concerned. I tried to release myself but he gripped me firmly. He picked me up and sat me down on his couch. 

He then pushed me down onto the couch with my arms above my head pinned down. 

"Ouch..." I said, trying to get Albedo off of me. My cheeks were flushed pink and I was trembling. 

"Hmm, are you sure? I'm not sure if you're telling the truth," he said, grinning. He kissed me and pushed his tongue into my mouth. His tongue explored my mouth and I let a small sound I never experienced.

A moan.

My eyes widened and Albedo pulled away. His cheeks were dusted in pink and mine were probably bright red.

"What a cute little sound, Y/N, I would like to hear more of it~"


Anyway, I really like writing this so I hope you did too!)

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