Aether | Worlds

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"let me tell you all about me,"


Aether x Reader

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Aether x Reader


"What did you do this time Aether?" I asked, wrapping him with bandages. 

He came back from Liyue to visit me, one of his most trusted friends in Mondstadt, covered in injuries. 

I was outside Mondstadt, picking Sweet Flowers for Sucrose. She needed them for some kind of experiment and I was helping her gather materials. 

I saw two people, no, one and a half people in the distance. I squinted a bit, struggling to make out the figures. I really should ask Sucrose to get me some glasses. As they crept closer to me I could make it out who they were.

Aether and Paimon were slowly making their way to Mondstadt. My face flushed up and I buried my head into a bush for a little. 

After I calmed down, I rushed up to Aether. "Hey! Aether! What brings you aroun- What happened!" I yelped, looking at his injuries

"Ugh, Paimon told him to be more careful," Paimon said, crossing her arms. Aether gave me a small smile, before almost stumbling as if I wasn't holding him up. 

"Get onto my back, let me carry you to the Church," I said, bending over a bit. He got onto my back but then he shook his head.

"I don't need them worrying about me, I'm fine," he mumbled quietly into my blouse. My face heated up a bit, he was too cute.

"W-well, I just need to heal you!"

"Paimon saw lots of crazy things a couple of days ago. Paimon told him to come back to Mondstadt for a little bit," Paimon said as she stuffed her face with Stick Honey Roast. I sighed and lightly took Aether's left arm.

"I need to clean out these cuts, it'll hurt a bit, please bear it," I said, starting to clean it. Aether winced as began to dab at it. I slowly wrapped a bandage around his arm.\

"I-it didn't hurt too much did it?" I asked softly and Aether shook his head. Paimon stopped eating and glanced at us. She saw what we were doing and gave a small smirk.

"Ehe, Paimon will leave you two lovebirds alone," she said, as she popped out of existence. My face became very pink and I glanced at Aether's face. 

His face was dusted with pink on his cheeks and he just looked



"W-what did she mean by that," I sighed, stuttering over my words. Aether just shook his head and lifted his other arm up. I quickly cleaned and bandaged that arm up too.

Now was the hard part.

Aether's worst injuries were on his chest and the only way I could heal them was if he took off his shirt. My face flushed at the thought. Aether looked at me questioningly and placed the back of his hand against my forehead. 

"Do you have a fever Y/N? Your face is awfully warm," he said, his face getting closer to mine. I jerked away quickly, almost falling out of my chair if Aether wasn't there to support me.

"I-I'm fine, anyways, I need to heal your wounds on your chest, b-but in order for me to do so, I need you t-to take your shirt off..." I muttered, my face heating up. Aether's eyes opened wide and his face became rosy red. 

He nodded his head a bit and slowly lifted his shirt up. He wasn't too muscular but still very strong. There were some scars across his body, some new and some old.

Aether's face flushed and he mumbled, "You're making me embarrassed, Y/N." My eyes widened and said, "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to."

I cleaned his wounds and stood up. I grabbed my large roll of bandages and began to wrap up his chest. My fingers sometimes lightly brushed against his chest, making us both blush. 

He quickly slipped on his shirt and we sat there awkwardly. 

"I-I'm sorry if I made you uncomfy," he mumbled, and I couldn't help staring at his face. His golden eyes, his lightly pink cheeks, he was just so, adorable.

"Hey, Aether? I have two questions," I asked, getting up. I walked to the kitchen and I could hear him follow. I grabbed two cups and began brewing tea.

He cocked his head towards me, beckoning me to ask my questions.

"Well, first, could you tell me all about you?" I asked, grabbing his hands eagerly. He gave me a soft smile and nodded.

One story later

My eyes were wide with shock as he finished his story. Losing family, fighting gods, he was just, so, amazing!

"Wow... you are so incredible!" I said, unconsciously giving him a hug. I felt him jump which made me pull back. We were both incredibly embarrassed.

"W-well, what was the other question you wanted to ask me," he said, scratching the back of his neck. Oh.

That question.

My face burned and my mouth opened but no sound came out.

"Do, you have a crush on anyone?" I asked tentatively, squeezing my hands together. Aether's eyes widened. 

I'm doomed. He probably doesn't have a crush. He always is out adventuring, not having enough time to bond with anyone. 

I felt warm hands take my frigid ones. He gave a small smile. 

"Well, I do, and that person is the one right in front of me," he said, beaming at me, his golden eyes giving off a warm, protecting gaze. 

My eyes widened and he kissed me suddenly. I froze, blush creeping up on my face. I couldn't move, my head was spinning. Aether giggled and pulled me into a hug. 

"You're so mean," I pouted, squeezing him tightly. 

"Yeah, just how you like it."



Paimon and Kaeya snuck up underneath a window sill where Aether and Y/N were. 

"So do they really like each other?" Kaeya asked, peeking over the sill, where Aether and Y/N sat.

"Yep! From what Paimon saw, they totally like each other," Paimon said, watching. 

After some time, Aether kissed Y/N and those two went completely ecstatic.

"See! Paimon is always right," Paimon said giggling. But what they didn't notice while fangirling was the new couple watching them through the window.

There was a bit of shouting later that night.

A/N: *blows nose* My boy is growing up. Aether is such a cutie and he is the twin I chose, I love him.

I'm writing two new stories so I won't be pumping out as many as before. I really liked this one and I hope you did too!


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