Xiao | You... Like Me?

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"I like you too, now shut up"

"I like you too, now shut up"

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Xiao x Reader



Xiao roared into my ears once again. 

He cared for me a lot, bringing me anything interesting he could find. But sometimes, he would get mad for calling him when I didn't need help fighting. He started yelling more and more each week because I kept calling him over.


It's because I like him.

I sighed, trying to not let the tears in my eyes come out as my head drooped down. He noticed my state immediately stopped yelling and looked at me with guilt.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell," he said, a bit softer this time. He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and looked at me gently.

Argh, why do you have to be so cute!

"It's fine... I just wanted you to try some of my Almond Tofu I made for you," I said, with a soft smile on my lips. He looked shocked as I dragged him along to the table. There I set some homemade Almond Tofu with some chopsticks on the side. Xiao looked shocked.

I bet no one has ever done this before.

"Cmon! Try it!" I say sweetly. Xiao took a bite of my tofu and suddenly his cheeks went pink. 

"I-it tastes good," he said softly. He was the Conquer of Demons, people weren't supposed to like him. But he was just a soft person on the inside. I gave him a hug and said, " Thank you! Now, let's go out and have fun exploring," I cheerfully said. 

I dragged him outside and we went around collecting, fighting, and exploring. I went around collecting flowers and vines for something I was making. Xiao looked at me questionably as I sat down in the grass and began to make it.

"What are you doing?" he asked, sitting down beside me. I grabbed his hands into mine and squeezed them.

"Could you close your eyes?" I asked. Xiao closed his eyes and I took out what I was making. I placed it on top of his head and said, "Ta-da! A flower crown just for you!"

He flustered up and looked away but didn't take it off. I took his hand into mine. 

"Let's go! I heard there is a ruin nearby!" I said excitedly. I ran off with my map in one hand and my Xiao in another. I turned my head back and grinned at Xiao who then went to blush. 

The ruin was huge, with large stone doors slightly ajar. We slipped in and inside, there maps all around, showing where all the treasure was around the ruin. 

"Woah..." I gasped, looking at all the maps. Xiao looked around and gripped my hand a bit more firmly.

"We should be careful, I can sense monsters around," he mumbled quietly. He unsheathed his spear.

"Oh come on! It shouldn't be that bad, not with you around!" I said and began to run off into the rooms. I could hear Xiao sigh and run after me. 

Inside of that one room, there were multiple Ruin Guards around. Xiao and I began to take each one down. But, as I was going to use my Pyro Elemental Burst, the Ruin Guard flung me against the wall. 

It hurts.

I couldn't get up. I was defenseless. I slumped down as the darkness slowly crept around me. I heard someone call my name.

Why was their voice so worried?

The darkness surrounded me and I gladly accepted it.

Xiao's POV

"Y/N!" I yelled. I heard Y/N crumpled body fall onto the ground.

No, Y/N can't be...dead, they are still alive, just please, wait for me.

I easily knock down all of the Ruin Guards and rushed over to Y/N. There were cuts and blood all over Y/N's body. Y/N was gripping something in her hand. I uncurled it and saw a gem and flowers. 

The gem was Y/N's favorite one that I gave and the flowers were the same ones that Y/N used on my flower crown.

I slowly took both items and picked Y/N up bridal style. I rushed Y/N to a Liyue doctor. They rushed Y/N into a room and told me that Y/N will be healed in about 2 weeks. I nodded at the doctor and left.

I headed to the spot where we always hung out. I looked over Liyue and back to the gem. 

I did something I haven't done since I became an adepti.

I felt faint tears in my eyes. 

Please be okay, I didn't even confess to you yet...

Back to Y/N POV

I yawned and woke up. There were bright lights that took me a while to adjust. Wait, where am I? I blinked and saw I was in Liyue Harbor. 

I remember I was fighting Ruin Guards with Xiao and I was slammed against a wall and blacked out. I hope Xiao is okay.

A doctor walked into my room. "You're awake, Y/N," he said calmly. He explained that I had multiple broken bones but the rest was all healed. 

"Is X- the person who brought me okay?" I asked, I didn't want to reveal his identity. The doctor nodded and said, "The man has been visiting every day, he is coming to pick you up soon."

Xiao, has been visiting me? I sighed and nodded and the doctor left. So much has happened in a span of a few weeks.

I heard the door creak open a bit, and there was Xiao. 

"Y/N!" he said, rushing over to give me a hug. He acted a bit... different. He was always quiet and polite, and a bit shy at times, but he seemed more sad and straightforward.

"I have something to tell you, Xiao!" I shouted, a bit too loud. He looked a bit shocked.

"I do too, but let's take you home first," he said, picking me up bridal style. My face flushed up and I stuttered, "Wha- a- you doin-!?" He smirked and just walked me home in his grip.

~ a couple of embarrassing moments later ~

He brought me inside my house and I let him sit down and I did the same.

"What did you want to tell me?" he asked. I fidgeted around in my seat. I shut my eyes tight and yelled, "I like you, you stupid Conquer or Demons!" My face was flushed and I could feel Xiao intertwin his hand into mine. 

"I..like you too, Y/N," he said softly. Before I had time to react he...

Kissed me lightly on the lips.

He looked so shy and his cheeks had a bit of blush on them. As for me, my face was bright red and I felt like I was going to implode. He must have noticed my shocked and flushed expression and said,

"Thank you for liking me, let's just... relax..."

A/N: I was going to do a female character, but Xiao was calling me, I'm sorry. I'll try to do a female soon, emphasize on soon. 

The next one will have smut so be warned.

Hope you enjoyed!

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