Venti | Melody Through the Wind

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"That melody sounds... familiar"

fluff and a bit of angst

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fluff and a bit of angst

Venti x Reader


Every day, at Barbatos's statue I head over there to listen to the bard. The music he plays is so peaceful and I could stay there for hours. His name is, Venti, I think. He and other people helped the Honorary Knight save Dvalin and we are all grateful for that. 

Today's the day I think I should try talking to him. I went out to Barbatos's statue and saw that he wasn't here today.

Hm? Oh well, I'll try again next time!

I headed over to the big tree in Windrise, dedicated to our hero, Venessa. I heard a faint melody coming from behind the tree. 

How do I know it? I've never even heard it before, but it feels so familiar?

"Y/N, Why did you leave me...," That voice, it was Venti! But why did he say I left him? 

"Uh hello?" I said, peeking around. There he was, strumming his lyre with faint tears. "You called my name so I thought you may have needed me," I said a bit awkwardly.

"O-oh hello there, I'm guessing your name is- Y/N?!" he suddenly yelled, "Do you remember me?"

"I- uh, you always give me a feeling that I knew you but I didn't know how," I said, pulling Venti off of me. 

"Here let me see if I can get a memory or too about us," he said, smiling sadly. Suddenly I felt a whoosh of wind through my head as I slowly fell down. 

(A/N: The POV is now Venti's throughout the memories)

"Venti!" I heard a familiar voice call out to me, followed by a bit of wheezing. 

"Y/N! What are you doing here, shouldn't you be resting?" I say, giving you a kiss on their forehead.

"I just wanted to see you and hear you play your ly-" you was cut off by lots of coughing. 

"Y/N! Y/N! Are you alright? Let me take you back home." I carried you bridal style all the way back to your small cottage and laid you down.

"Venti...could you play me a song? My favorite one?" you croaked with a pained smile. I felt terrible. As the mortal, Venti, I could do nothing to help you. Your sickness was incurable and you were bound to pass away soon. I just hoped it wasn't now. 

"Of course, Y/N," I started to play the lyre and you closed their eyes lightly. 

~half an hour later~

I was getting ready to leave, I was packing up my items and getting ready to go when you mumbled something.

"Please...stay with me." I couldn't say no to that but I had a duty to be fulfilled. I gave their hand a soft peck and said, "I'm sorry, I can't stay"

I would regret that for the rest of my life.

(A/N: Back to Y/N POV)

I wake up in a heavy sweat. I was back in my bedroom. Was it just a dream? No, Venti was sitting at my desk, his back turned towards me. Hold up- so, Venti and I were in a relationship in my past life? I suddenly got very flushed and embarrassed. 

To recap my past life, I was a simple accountant who worked at the Dawn Winery, I had an incurable illness, and Venti was my boyfriend? Wait, how old is Venti? That's why I always attracted to him, I liked him in my past life, and now, I like him now as well. 

I went up to Venti and gave him a hug. He jolted up a little. 

"Thank you for caring for me," I said, pecking him on the cheek. I didn't think when I did that, what if he didn't like me anymore? I moved away, uncomfortably.

"D-do you remember now?" he stuttered. His cheeks were flushed pink, though I doubt it was more flushed than mine. 

"I do, and u-uh, I like you too!" I shouted, my eyes shut tight. This is it, I'm done for. He probably wouldn't like me anymore, he liked the past me. Tears kept on trying to read the surface and after a while of holding them in, I just let the waterworks out. 

"I'm sorry I shouldn't of sa-" I was interrupted by a whoosh of air and arms wrapping around me.

"You promised me to never forget you... I never will," said Venti with a big grin on his face. I gave him a goofy grin. 

"I won't ever, as long as you are here! Now, let's go grab a drink at the tavern!"

A/N: Heyo! This one was a bit shorter because it was angst and I didn't want to suffer. I almost cried writing this.  

Hope you enjoyed!

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