Diluc | Thank You for Warming Me

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"Ah, it's a bit chilly outside"

"Ah, it's a bit chilly outside"

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Diluc x Reader


I finished my shift at the Dawn Winery and Diluc was going to escort me home, like always. I work as a maid for the Dawn Winery and Diluc and I was best friends since birth.

And maybe, just maybe, I had a tiny crush on him. I mean who wouldn't? He was cool, handsome, strong, everything! I also just recently learned that he was the Darkknight Hero too! He is just, y'know, amazing! And there is me. Just ordinary me. I sighed as I was changing out of my uniform to go and meet Diluc at the door.

"Hey there Y/N," he said softly as he helped me outside. Even though he has a cold demeanor on the outside, he has a soft side for people he cares about.

Except for Kaeya. Kaeya and Diluc's relationship has always confused me but I don't really dig into it.

"Brrrr, it's a bit ch-chilly outside," I say as my teeth chatter. I hugged Diluc's arm because he was always so warm. I didn't notice too much but I think Diluc blushed a bit when I did that.

"H-here, I don't want you catching a cold," he said, taking off his trench coat and wrapping it around me. This time, it was me who blushed.

"Thank you, Master Diluc," I said shyly. The temperature kept on dropping and dropping and I got colder and colder. Diluc must have had some sort of immunity because of his Pyro vision or he's just really tough. I shivered even more and Diluc looked at me concerned. 

"Let's make a fire here, ok?" I nodded and sat down. Diluc used his Pyro vision and started a small fire. It was a bit awkward as we just sat there.

"U-uh, why do you always treat me so different from other people?" I asked, still shivering. His eyes widened a bit and his face flustered once again. He is so cute when he blushes like that... WAIT! Y/N get your head out of the gutter! Diluc looked away shyly and he reminded me of a shy kitten. I grinned at the thought of a cat Diluc, and he looked at me confused.

"What's so funny?" Diluc asked. I rummaged through my bag until I found my maid headband.

"Could you shut your eyes for a sec?" he nodded and softly closed his eyes. He looked peaceful as I put the headband on his head and untied his hair so it fell out of its ponytail. I gave him a small peck on the cheek, I couldn't help it and his face flushed red and his eyes jolted open. I smiled sweetly at him. 

"Maid Diluc, at your service!" I said, showing him what he looked like through my hand mirror. He immediately got embarrassed and looked away. When he looked back at me he looked so cute with his flushed face and maid headband.

"I'd bet it would look better on you though," he said, putting the headband onto my head and kissed me on the cheek like what I did to him. My face was bright red, people could see me a mile away.

"I- wha- di- k- wh-" I stuttered, I couldn't even make coherent words. He smirked at me and held out his hand.

"Cmon, it's getting late, we should get going now." I held his hand as he helped me stand up. I tried to release my hand but he held it firmly.  

After a while of walking, I began to shiver once again, but it was even colder out now. The cold felt like it was burning me, I was so cold. Diluc looked at me with concern in his eyes and quickly wrapped his arms around my waist. I jolted up and looked behind me. His chin was resting on my shoulder and his eyes were softly closed.

"I like you, Y/N," he said softly. I was shocked. Me? Basic me? I started to smile at him but he still had his closed, like he was waiting for a response.

So I gave him one.

I turned around fully and kissed him right on his mouth. I wrapped my arms around his neck and I felt Diluc kiss back. After breaking up the kiss, Diluc said,

"Let me escort you home now princess, we can continue this later~"

A/N: I'm not fangirling, I'm not fangirling, I'M FANGIRLING

This was so adorable and I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

Take care now!

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