Zhongli | Money

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"You'll never run out of money, Zhongli!"


Zhongli x Reader

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Zhongli x Reader

AU: Modern


I woke with the sunlight grazing over me. I yawned and rubbed my eyes. I sighed and got out of bed to get ready to work. 

I worked as a barista at a local coffee shop. I needed money because of my student loans.  But, while I was taking a shower, I thought of someone else.

His name was, Zhongli. He was from Liyue and he was one of my friends. Though, I didn't think of him that way.




Get your head together Y/N! Just focus on your job!

I put on some casual clothes and headed out to the coffee shop next door. Inside, I put on an apron and prepared the shop for opening. There was another person preparing the cafe, it was Aether. 

"Hey Y/N! Good morning!" Aether said, beaming at me. He's had it tough, his sister had to go overseas to college but he still is as cheerful as ever.

I pinched his cheek and said, "Good morning Aether! How's school?" Before he could respond, someone came in. It was Zhongli! He worked as a teacher's assistant so I was surprised to see him here.

"Hey Zhongli, what are you doing here?" I asked, looking at him questionably.

"Ah, the teacher got sick so I am off for just today," he said, his voice in the matter-of-fact tone, "I was thinking if you wanted to spend time together today, but you are working so I was going to spend time at my home instead."


My face flustered up and in the corner of my eyes, I can see Aether smirk as he knew what was going on. 

"Oh come on Y/N! Relax, I'll just say your out sick, have fun!" Aether said, pushing me and Zhongli out the door. I fidgeted around, looking down. I usually hung out with Zhongli with Aether or Childe, but we were alone.

Zhongli lifted my chin up and said, "Are you okay? Do you want to go to my place?"

I nodded slightly and he took my hand and walked me to his car. I got in and I curled up in the seat.

"It'll be a bit of a long ride, so you can do what you want," he said, lightly patting my head.

My face flushed up. Is this man just naive or doing this on purpose? 

I dozed off and I didn't notice but Zhongli was glancing over at me.

Zhongli POV

Y/N curled into a ball, your breaths slowing down. I lightly brushed some hair out of your face and gave you the slightest of smiles. 

I stopped the car when we got to my apartment. I glanced down at Y/N, still fast asleep. I picked you up and brought you inside. 

Inside, I let you rest on my couch and wrapped a blanket around you. You looked so peaceful and cute and I had this strange urge to just hug you. 

Wait, what am I thinking? Ah, nevermind, I'll just make some food for when you wake up. 


I felt something brush over my face. I opened my eyes and saw Zhongli looking over me. He noticed my eyes opened and looked away. I sat up and saw that we were in Zhongli's house. On the coffee table, there were sandwiches. 

"Woah Zhongli, how did you even afford this place? Whenever we go out, you always forget the money!" I said, fake pouting. He chuckled and said, "You should thank Childe for that, he helped me get this house."

Childe was a smart, mischievous man who knew who to "borrow" money here or there. But he did help us a lot financially.

"Not Childe again..." I sighed. I yawned and sat up. I looked around his house, it was themed off of Liyue Harbor, a famous area for its history. 

I snuggled up to Zhongli and ate the sandwiches contently. I could feel Zhongli fidget around and I asked, "What's wrong?" I knew what I was doing, but it was just fun to tease 

"Y-you're too close," he mumbled, I could see his face heating up. God damnit Zhongli, sorry for what I am about to do.

I turned his face towards me and kissed him. I pulled away quickly, flushed and a bit embarrassed. 

"I like you, you poor idiot!" I shouted, peering at his face. He looked like he was about to burst and he said, "I... like you too, Y/N."

I giggled and squeezed his arm. 

"Now, you won't ever run out of money with me around!"


Sorry about the long wait! I plan on starting new Genshin Books, one is an Aether Oneshot book and the other is going to be a character book.

Hope you enjoyed this!

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