Albedo | Sick

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This one-shot has been requested by XionMario

"Shhh, you need to get better, just fall asleep on me..."


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Albedo x Reader


I coughed lightly, sitting up. I was bundled in a bunch of blankets which were slowly coming undone. Underneath, I was wearing a light nightgown, barely brushing past my mid-thigh.

What didn't help that was Albedo was in the same building with me, he could come in and see me all vulnerable.

"You shouldn't be getting up, you're still sick," Albedo muttered as he walked into my living room. I blushed and wrapped the blankets tight around me again.

"Albedo, I'm fine, no need for you to- AAHH!" I was cut off as he scooped me off into the air, making me shriek a little. My face blushed as he smiled at me.

"P-Put me down, I can walk just fine," I murmured, but... it felt kind of nice being near him. I could feel his warmth radiating off him. 

So instead I wrapped my arms around his neck, blushing, and buried my reddening face into his shoulder.

I heard him softly hum, his breath just brushing my ear. He carried me to my room and gently placed me down on my bed.

He brought the covers over me and placed the back of his hand against my forehead.

Albedo was studying to become a doctor and he was incredibly smart, he could precisely tell someone what was wrong with them.

"Hmm, yes, I was right, here take this medicine," he said, giving me some liquid. I eyed it for a second and then just swallowed it down along with my doubts of what exactly this liquid was.

I coughed a little before shifting onto my side so I could look at Albedo. His sea blue-green eyes looked back at me and smiled softly.

His thumb gently rubbed my cheek making me flush up and making him laugh.

"I'll get you some water," he muttered, getting up. I just laid in bed, waiting for him to come back. Suddenly, I heard a notification come from Albedo's phone. Curiosity got the best of me as I went to read it.

"Are you coming to class today? You have been marked absent."

My eyes widened as I scrambled up, wobbling a little. I walked up to Albedo and tapped his shoulder. 

"Eh, Y/N, I told you to stay in bed..." he muttered, setting down the cup. I sighed and showed him his phone.

"You didn't tell me you had class today," I spat, glowering at him. I didn't want him to miss out on school because of me, I knew how dedicated he was to his studies, why did he want to take care of me now?

He sighed, "I didn't want to tell you because I knew you'd say something like this." He guided me back to bed and handed me the cup of water.

"But why now? Why care about me while you have so many classes to attend?" I asked, my hand brushing against his. Both of our faces reddened and I quickly pulled my hand away. He sighed and smiled at me, brushing some strands of hair that were stuck to my forehead.

I felt like melting under his soft gaze and touch.

"I- uh- a-" I couldn't speak right and he laughed, this was his intention.

"Good, now you should just be quiet and rest," he hummed, getting up and leaving the room. My brows furrowed and I couldn't help but touch my forehead, the same place where he touched it.

"You're so mean," I pouted at him when he came back with a damp cloth. He wiped down the sweat on my face, neck, and shoulders.

The warm, damp cloth felt soothing, calming my nerves.

I yawned, stretching out. And then I got an idea. I swung my legs out of the covers and sat next to Albedo, who gave me a strange look.

"You keep on telling me to rest, but you never tell me where," I cooed and laid my head on his lap, curling up.

Albedo's face slightly flushed as he looked down at my cheeky smile.

He then smiled at me and pulled me close, real close.

My face flushed bright red as Albedo gently brushed his hand over my cheek.

"Just shut up and go to sleep," he hummed and I closed my eyes and fell back into the dream world.


Albedo watched as you gently fell asleep. You were so peaceful looking, a bit too peaceful looking.

Albedo wanted to hug you and cuddle with you, but instead, he did one simple thing.

He placed a soft kiss on you're head.

"Sleep tight, I love you Y/N,"


A/N: I really need to write more fluffs.

1.4 is coming out today for me wooo, I can't wait!

Venti better come home pspspspsps

I hope you enjoyed!

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