Kaeya | Keep Your Eyes on Me

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"Keep your eyes on me"

"Keep your eyes on me"

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Kaeya x Reader


Blue hair tied up into a ponytail. Eyepatch over his right eye. That smug smirk. This was the cavalry captain of the Knights of Favonius, Kaeya Alberich. Most people in Mondstadt have fallen for him, and unfortunately... so did I. I found myself liking him more and more each time I saw him. It sucks.

"Hello their Y/N," Kaeya said, I could feel the smugness in his voice. I work as Lisa's library assistant and sometimes he would come to visit me. 

"H-hello captain," I stuttered, cursing at myself in my mind. "You ok? You look a bit nervous," he said, a bit of concern hinted in his voice. 

"I'm fine!" I said I bit forcefully, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell," I mumbled. My face started heating up. 

"You should blush more, it suits you," he said, smirking. 

I just wanted to slap him in the face.

He must have noticed my silence because he said, " Hey, wanna go out and have fun today?" 

I stuttered, "B-but I have to finish putting the rest of the books on the shelves!" That was partly true, Lisa would be kind of pissed if I didn't finish, but I hope she wouldn't mind too much. For now, I just needed to get away from him and stop myself for blushing. 

"Oh come on, I'll explain to Lisa, you need to relax more," he said, a bit softer this time as he grabbed my hand and dragged me outside the Knights of Favonius headquarters. 

Is this like, a date? Wait no, that won't ever happen, stop getting your hopes too high!

"Here we are," Kaeya said, it was Angel's Share. 

"Thank god that Diluc is out sick" he smugly said, chuckling. He headed inside and sat at a table on the second floor where no one could see us. I ordered a bunch of wine and when it arrived I started chugging it down. I can't be here with Kaeya! I rather be drunk so I can get this over with. "Whoa there, you should slow down," Kaeya said, smirking a bit.

All he does is smirk.

"I'm *hic*  fine," I was getting tired and my vision was going in and out. He looked at me worriedly, the first time I've ever seen him like this.

"Let's get you back home, you've had too much to drink," he said, paying for the drinks and gently helping me out of the bar. Woah there, kind Kaeya? That exists? I followed Kaeya as he held my hand and slowly helped me to my house. Thank god I was drunk so he didn't have to see me blush even more.

"Kaeya... why are you being so nice to me?" I asked, it kept bugging me. Usually, he would just laugh at my drunk state and drag me home. Why was he being so kind all of a sudden?

"I'll tell you when we get you home," he said, his face was flushed and I could help blush even more at the flustered, Cryo captain. 

As we were walking, I noticed people staring at us. I saw some other people whispering and stealing glances too. It made me realize something. Kaeya shouldn't be seen here with me! I'm a nobody and he is a Knight of Favonius captain! What if it ruins his image of him? He wouldn't like me after that. I tried to pull away from him but he just gripped my hand tighter. Eventually, I gave up, I'll tell him when we get home.

~ A Couple Minutes Later ~

I brought Kaeya inside my tiny house. It was very messy, with clothing and food everywhere. I felt very embarrassed as he scanned my house.

As Kaeya was about to open his mouth I said "Before you say anything let me start first." I led him to my couch and told him to sit down. I sat down next to him. took a deep breath and closed my eyes and began. 

"I like you, I really do like you. But-" I was cut off with a large embrace around me. I opened my eyes to see Kaeya giving me a big hug.

"I like you too, Y/N. You are such an amazing person," he said, blushing as he stared at me with those blue-lilac eyes. I couldn't help it, I blushed furiously. 

"B-but what about your status? People wouldn't like that an oh-so-boring me stole away one of the most admired captains in the Knights of Favonius. I don't want you to dislike me after that happens." I nervously said, fidgeting in Kaeya's grasp.

"I don't care, I won't ever regret meeting you, all you have to do is keep your eyes on me," he said. My eyes were welling up with happy tears as I kissed him on the cheek. He looked at me with wide eyes and he started to cuddle with me. During all the cuddles, I said, 

"I will never take my eyes off of you!"

A/N: Hello! First-ever Oneshot so sorry if it was kinda bad. I hope you enjoyed it! This made me fangirl while I was writing this (I'm too lonely). 

Should I add more heat to my oneshots?  Give me suggestions!

Hope you enjoyed!

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