Chapter 13 - Princess

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Sorry for not updating I've been lazy and unmotivated. I finally had an idea. Also, the other ships are going to be Blairon and Pansmione.

Harry woke up to arms wrapped around him. He turned around to see his mate, Draco Malfoy. He smiled slightly. Draco looked so peaceful in his sleep. Harry unwrapped his arms from around him and got out of bed. The bed was nothing like the one in their dorm. This one had light colors but the one in their dorm was green and black.

Harry walked to one of the doors in the room and saw it was the bathroom. He quickly did his business before walking out of the bathroom. He looked and saw Draco was sitting up in their bed facing away from him. Harry saw a ponytail.

Draco Malfoy had long hair.

Draco Malfoy had a fucking ponytail.

Harry felt slightly grossed out. Draco always said he hated long hair and would never grow it out. So how did his hair grow to be that long. Harry also didn't want to admit it but he hated the long hair look on the Malfoys. Their hair looked fried and it was really thin. He wouldn't tell Draco what to do with it because it isn't his hair but he was allowed to have his silent opinions.

Draco turned around and Harry almost fainted on the spot. Somehow Draco had managed to grow a small beard in the five minutes Harry was in the bathroom. He smiled at Harry and Harry saw wrinkles on his forehead.

"Morning love," Draco said with a smile on his face. Harry noticed the difference in his voice too. Draco opened his arms and beckoned Harry over. Harry complied but he was really nervous. He didn't mind aging or anything but he is eighteen years old and so is Draco. They should not look like that. Draco pulled Harry onto his lap and stuffed his face into Harry's neck. He took a deep breath and Harry felt so uncomfortable. Maybe if he called Hermione, Draco could die earlier than expected.

"Pansy called while you were in the bathroom, she said she will drop James and Minnie off tomorrow and she wants us to watch Hugo for a few hours after that so she and Hermione can have a date night," Draco said while hugging Harry tighter. 

"Who are James and Minnie and why are they being dropped off and since when do Pansy and Hermione date each other," Harry asked really confused. 

"Oh love, you must get more rest during this trimester. Your memory is fading. I can't believe you forgot who our children are. James and Minnie are our kids and Hermione and Pansy haven't been dating since three years ago. They're married," Harry's eyes widened and he nodded slowly. Kids are gross and expensive. Why did they have kids? Draco is going to die in the near future. 

"Third trimester?" He was confused. Draco chuckled and moved his arms. His hands rested on Harry's stomach where he started to rub. Harry looked down and saw a giant bulge where his stomach is supposed to be. So he did the only reasonable thing he could think of.

He screamed as loud as he could. 

Draco jumped awake when he heard screaming. He turned to his distressed mate and frowned. Harry was going through a lot lately. He softly shook Harry and finally, Harry woke up. He looked around for a few seconds before his eyes locked on Draco's. The next thing Draco knows is he had a pillow thrown in his face

"If you ever so much as think about getting me pregnant I will chop off your dick and feed it to you," Harry whispered with a deadly calm voice. Draco laughed at Harry's face.

"Got it, princess. Don't get you pregnant," Harry nodded before laying back down.

"Did you just call me princess?" Harry asked without moving.

"Yes I did," Draco responded like it was nothing.

"I'm not a princess,"

"Yes, you are,"

"No, I'm not,"

"You're my princess,"

"Fuck off Malfoy,"

"Stop using that name. It will be yours soon,"




"Yes, you are mine so you will marry me," 

"I'm too tired for this," 

Draco laid back down next to Harry and wrapped his arms around him. The two fell back asleep and Harry almost forgot the horrible things he was going through thanks to Draco. 

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