Chapter 16 - Realization

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I finally figured out how I'm going to finish this and you are going to kill me but that's ok. Also, I'm so sorry for taking so long to update, and thank you all so much for all the help. My mental health has gotten really bad, worse than it's ever been but I'm trying to be happier and live healthier. The past few months have been filled with a lot of horrible things but it brought some really unhealthy thoughts that I'm going to turn into angsty writing so maybe that's good. I don't want to be one of those Wattpad authors that disappear for a long time then come back and their author's note is just so interesting. Their lives are so sad but I want to know more. Thinking back on it I could write one of those with what happened so if I have enough energy after I write this chapter it will be in the comments. Don't read it if you get triggered over depression and self-harm things. But good news I have been learning a few writing tricks and I hope my writing is better from now on. Also Lavender lives. 

Harry shifted slightly in his sleep. Draco's arms were wrapped tightly around him but he didn't seem to mind that much. Draco pulled Harry closer to him and that's when Harry fell into an even deeper sleep. 

"Harry dear," Harry held his breath as he heard someone call out to him. He knew who it was but at the same time, he didn't. It had to be someone he cared about. He was terrified but calm. He knew he had been through this many times before so what's one more time. It's upsetting that he didn't get to live a normal life like he was promised. 

"Harry," The voice sang a little louder this time. At least that's what Harry thought but in reality, the voice was just getting closer. Harry frowned as he tried to recognize the voice. It was taunting him. He swears he heard the voice do the exact thing for years but he can't figure out who it belonged to. 

Harry shoved himself further against the wall of the cupboard he was hiding in. Now that he thinks about it, the situation is weird. He just suddenly appeared in a cupboard and some voice was calling out to him. It didn't even mean he was in trouble but from all the years dealing with Voldemort, it's probably just a habit now. 

Harry slowly started to open the cupboard and poked his head out. Draco was standing in front of him with a smirk on his face. Except this isn't Harry's Draco. This Draco is a little older and looks more insane. His clothes were all worn out and old which is something Draco would never do.

His eyes looked scary. He had blood all over his face and hands. His dominant hand was shaking and his wand looked as if it was about to drop but Draco didn't care. The only thing Draco cared about was catching his mate. Draco slowly started to walk towards Harry. He put his wand away to make sure he didn't scare Harry away. 

"Harry love, I did this for you, for us," Draco said as he wrapped his arms around Harry. Harry closed his eyes and tried to hide his fear and concern.

"Did what Draco? What did you do," Harry said as his voice shook a little. He knew something was wrong but he didn't want to find out. 

"Harry," Draco laughed as he turned Harry around. 

"Look," There was fire everywhere. Screams could be heard from almost every direction. Bodies were all over the floor. It looked exactly like the second wizarding war. Harry gasped lightly and wanted to cry.

"Why did you do this Draco?" He whispered as tears fell from his eyes. 

"For you Harry. They kept trying to turn you away from me," Harry looked up at Draco and frowned. He knew Draco could never change. He was still a death eater. But even then Harry felt like he loved Draco. He knew as a half-blood and the defeater of the dark lord he could never be good enough for him but he still felt a strong connection. 

"Draco are you ready?" Harry whipped around as fast as he could when he heard the familiar voice. He grabbed Draco's wand and pointed it straight at Lucius. 

"Potter everyone knows wands don't work that well for people who aren't their owners. Put the wand down I mean no harm," Lucius said as he walked closer to them with his arm wrapped around Narcissa. 

"His wand works better for me than it ever will for him. Don't you remember Lucius. When you thought the dark lord would finally forgive you. But no. Dobby, who is supposed to be your house elf helped me. How did you lose him again? Oh, wait that's right. I helped free him," Harry replied back as he held the wand higher. Narcissa and Lucis both looked visibly upset by him saying this but they both knew better than to say anything Harry or Draco wouldn't like. 

"Mother? what are you doing here?" Draco asked.

"Well it's a very hard story that I'll have to explain later," Narcissa said with a smile towards her son. She hadn't seen him in a while and it was good to see him again. 

"We have to go now," Lucius yelled. 

Harry gasped as he woke up. All of it felt so real. It was real. It just hadn't happened yet. Draco and his family wanted another wizarding war. Harry looked to his side to see Draco sleeping peacefully. The more Harry thought about it, the more he realized he was right. Draco isn't safe. 

Harry threw the blankets off and slide out of the bed as carefully as he could so he wouldn't wake Draco up. He slipped on some shoes and grabbed his wand and map. As soon as he was out of his and Draco's dorm he ran as fast as he could to the Gryffindor rooms. Once he reached the entrance he noticed a first-year was sneaking back in. 

"Lemondrop," The first-year said. He immediately was reminded of Dumbledore but quickly shut it out because he had something important to do. He walked up to the fat lady and whispered the password quickly. Right in the common room were Neville, Hermione, Ginny, and Ron. They all looked at him in shock but before they could say anything he beat them to it. 

"I need your help,"

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