Chapter 10 - Morning

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I apologize in advance for any miss spellings or grammar mistakes. I have a headache and I'm really tired but I can't fall asleep so I just decided to update this. 

Who are the main three characters in Harry Potter that you can't stand and why? 

Mine is Umbridge and we all know why, Snape for basically everything he did, and Dumbledore for pretty much using Harry, a child, to defeat Voldemort when we all know he could've done it himself.

Harry was slowly waking up before wondering why he was so warm. He normally wakes up cold and being tiny does not help with that. He lazily opened his eyes and turned to see Draco on the other side of the bed. He smiled when he remembered the past few days. Draco wasn't that bad. 

He realized today was the first day of school and he needed to get ready. He slowly got out of Draco's arms and made his way to his own room. He took a quick shower before picking out his clothes. He chose some black sweat pants that closed at his ankles, and a black hoodie. He decided to do his makeup pretty simple. He put a red eyeshadow on and some eyeliner.

He put on his black converse before packing all of his textbooks in his bag. He grabbed his schedule and looked at it. He liked how his schedule was the same this year. All eighth years had that. He assumed with Draco being Draco they would have the same classes but he really had no idea.

Harry's Schedule:

9:00 - 9:25 am Transfiguration with Ravenclaw

9:30 - 10:25 am Defense against the dark arts with Ravenclaw

10:30 - 11:25 am History of Magic with Hufflepuff

11: 30 - 12: 25am Charms with Ravenclaw

12: 30- 1:25 pm lunch

1:30 - 2:25 pm Potions with Slytherin

2:30 - 3:25 pm Herbology with Hufflepuff

3:30 - 4:25 pm Care of Magical Creatures with Slytherin

4:30 - 4:55 pm Divination with Hufflepuff

Astronomy at midnight every Wednesday

Harry smiled. His schedule was perfect for the first time. He actually wanted to take these classes. The weird thing though was Harry only had two classes with the Slytherins and he didn't think Draco wanted to take Care of Magical Creatures. 

Just as he was about to leave, the door flew open and an angry Draco came rushing into the room. His face was red with anger and he was practically foaming at the mouth. Harry had never seen anything so terrifying in his life. Draco turned his glare in Harry's direction when he heard a whimper.

"You aren't supposed to leave me Harry," Draco growled out as he slowly stalked over to Harry. Harry whimpered again and fell backward. Draco was really scaring him. Draco took notice of this and tried to calm down.

"I wake up expecting you to be sleeping peacefully in my arms but I come to find you in your room smiling at some paper," Draco glared again. They both heard a light pecking and turned toward the window in his room. They saw an owl holding a letter.

"Oh, what's that? A letter from your secret lover maybe?" Draco accused. Harry closed his eyes and tried to fight back his tears. He knew Draco was going to do this again. He watched silently as Draco walked to the window and retrieved the letter.

"Let's read it out loud and find out who this person is shall we?" Draco said smirking. Harry knew that Draco was very dangerous. Maybe it wasn't the best idea to be around anyone but Draco had to understand he isn't the only person Harry wants to talk to. Draco cleared his throat before starting.

"Dear Harrykins,

DRACO MALFOY IS YOUR MATE. As in my cousin. That's a little weird especially considering you are each other's enemies. I feel so bad for you dude. Also, I know you're the sub too but he can't control you. I can't believe he almost killed Ron. What did Ron even do? Denis is sweet what made Draco growl at him over just a stupid hug? Keep me updated if things get worse. I'll kill him if he hurts you. 

Tell Denis I'm proud of them for coming out. And that is the best idea I have ever heard. I love the band idea. Who said you were the most beautiful person I've ever seen? I'm joking you're pretty beautiful.


Tonks, the most badass bitch you've ever met." Draco finished the letter and his eyes started to flash between black and silver again. Harry wanted to cry but hoped that Draco would apologize.

"Oh so your secretly dating this person who was supposed to be your sibling? How could you Harry? You are my mate I own you and I will kill anyone who tries to take you away from me. Tonks will be the first then Weasel then Mudblood. I won't stop until you know that you are mine. I will make sure you know who owns you." Harry couldn't help it anymore, he let the tears fall. He didn't want all of his friends to die. They were the only ones who loved him. Without them he would be alone.

"Please Draco I'm not dating them. I know I'm your mate just please don't kill anyone. I love them too much please please don't," Harry begged out through sobs. Draco growled and threw Harry on his bed. He climbed on top of him and pinned him down.

"I can kill whoever I want my sweet. You better not be dating any of them and if you are I will kill them. You better know that I'm your mate. Loving them is unacceptable. They set you up for failure. They don't love you as I do," Draco said. Harry tried to stop the tears but they kept coming. 

"Stop it please," he whispered. Draco finally realized what he was doing but only regretted it when he saw Harry cry. He kissed away the tears and released some pheromones to make Harry calm down.

"I'm sorry Harry but never do that again, ok?" He whispered as he cuddled his mate close. Harry nodded and closed his eyes. He was barely awake for an hour and everything was getting too stressful already. Draco smiled when he watched Harry open his eyes again. He loved seeing them.

"What does your schedule look like?" Harry asked Draco. Draco pulled out a paper from his bag and it gave Harry time to see what he was wearing. Draco wore a black suit that defined his muscles but for once his hair wasn't gelled up. 

Draco's schedule:

9:00 - 9:25 am Herbology with Ravenclaw

9:30 - 10:25 am History of Magic with Ravenclaw

10:30 - 11:25 am Defense against the dark arts with Hufflepuff

11: 30 - 12: 25am Transfiguration with Hufflepuff

12: 30- 1:25 pm lunch

1:30 - 2:25 pm Potions with Gryffindor

2:30 - 3:25 pm Charms with Hufflepuff

3:30 - 4:25 pm Ancient Runes with Ravenclaw

4:30 - 4:55 pm Arthimancy with Ravenclaw

Astronomy at midnight every Wednesday

Harry frowned but jumped when Draco growled. He cowered into the bed as an instinct but snuggled into Draco's shoulder when he found himself in someone's arms. He sighed. Today was going to be difficult

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