Chapter 7 - Talks

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 Linny and Pansmione win but blon or bleville? If bleville wins who do I put Ron with? Thank you for all the votes also remember Draco is going to be an asshole for a few chapters but he gets better because Harry won't deal with his shit. 

Harry woke up way later than he expected. He checked the time and it was 1:48. He sighed and decided he would get ready for school. He got out of bed and stretched. He walked to his closet and picked out one of the hoodies that Harry stole from Fred. He likes to steal all the twin's clothes because they are comfortable.

He also picked out some skinny black ripped jeans. The hoodie was a lavender purple color which was surprising for Fred. I smiled when I remembered how I stole it. Shouldn't have left it on the couch Gred. Harry walked into his bathroom and took a shower. He let the conditioner sit in his hair for a while because it feels really soft when he does. He washed his body with a coffee-scented body scrub. He noticed no hair had grown and he was very happy.

Hermione taught him a spell to get rid of hair in places that he didn't want it and the hair has yet to grow back making his life was easier. He did his six-step skincare routine. He got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around his body. He brushed his teeth and took care of his hair which was really curly. He took a moment to admire his body.

Harry does admit at first he was mad when he first saw his body but now he admits he loves his body this way. He just hates being short. People don't need to be taller than him. Draco stands so much taller than him. He frowned as he dried himself off. He was going to have to deal with Draco and that was not going to be fun.

He put on the hoodie and jeans then walked into his room again. He wanted to just flop onto his bed and go to sleep and just never wake up again. He couldn't do that though he had to face Draco. But not now. He doesn't have school for a few days so he can go to Hogsmead today. He got some purple eye shadow and threw it on along with winged eyeliner and false lashes. He finished the look off with some lipgloss.

Harry smiled and put on some converse. He grabbed his bag and made sure he had a few galleons with him so he could go get some clothes and food. He carefully opened the door and when he didn't see Draco he started to walk towards the portrait. He made a mental note to change the password later. Maybe it could be something in paresletounge. He was just about to open the portrait when he heard the voice he really did not want to hear.

"And where do you think you're going?" Draco asked as he walked over to Harry. His arms were soon around Harry's waist.

"I was going to get breakfast then go to Hogsmead if you really must know," Harry replied with a slight glare. He was still very mad. Draco hummed and nuzzled in his neck. He suddenly stopped and lifted his head up to face Harry with a glare.

"Who's hoodie is this?" He asked as calmly as he could which wasn't very calm as it came out as a snarl.

"It is Fred's hoodie why does that matter?" Harry asked. He was very annoyed at Draco at the moment. 

"It matters because I own you and you shouldn't be wearing one of his shirts or talking to me with such disrespect," Draco growled out. Harry glared so harshly that if looks could kill Draco would have been six feet under.

"How many times do I have to tell you? You don't own me. No one owns me. I am my own person and I stole this hoodie from Fred because it was comfortable not because I wanted it as a sign that he owns me. Leave me alone Malfoy," Harry said and pushed out of Draco's arms. Draco was very mad at this point, he slammed Harry against the wall and almost felt bad when he heard a whimper.

"And how many times do I have to tell you? I own you. Only I own you. Get used to it my sweet because I will treat you great as long as you listen and submit to me," Draco told Harry. His eyes flashed from their silver to black. 

Harry didn't want to but he took this time to check Draco out. He had gotten much taller even though he was already tall, to begin with. His muscles filled out and all Harry wanted to do was run her hands over them. He looked up and admired Draco's jawline. He looked into Draco's eyes to see that they were back to normal.

"I don't care what you say Malfoy. I reject you," Harry stated. Draco glared at him for a second and Harry knew immediately that this wasn't going to work.

"I don't accept your rejection," Draco told him with a roll of his eyes. Harry huffed. Maybe if he actually meant the rejection it would have worked. He doesn't want to admit it but Draco has always caught his attention and he might have had a small crush on him for a while. Draco looked smug as if he knew what Harry was thinking.

"Whatever Malfoy, I'm hungry so I'm going to get food," Harry told him. Strong arms wrapped around his waist again and he huffed for what felt like the millionth time.

"Well my beautiful little mate, I'll join you," Draco said. Draco grabbed Harry's hand and the two of them made their way down to breakfast. Harry resisted the urge to roll his eyes. They soon made it to breakfast and Harry had to fight his way from Draco. He sat down next to Hermione and saw that she was looking weird.

"What's wrong?" Harry asked her.

"Oh nothing is wrong except for the fact I feel really bad for you but Ron and I broke up. Neither of us felt committed to the relationship anymore and felt too much like siblings." Hermione smiled. Harry smiled back, He could tell that they were drifting apart but he was happy there were no bad feelings.

"Where is Ron by the way?" Harry asked looking around the great hall.

"He went to send a letter to Fred and George's joke shop. He said something about wanting to prank Malfoy and I agreed, just this once though," Harry giggled at his friend. He looked up when he saw Ron sit down. They hugged each other but soon let go when they heard a growl. Harry looked to see Draco right next to them.

"Weasel let go of my Harry," Draco growled lowly. Harry stepped back and walked next to Draco. He sighed knowing that this was the safest thing he could do. From the looks of it, Ron was bruised pretty bad.

He wanted to help Ron but knew better so he decided to just go to his and Draco's room. He canceled his Hogsmead trip and decided to go the next day. He sat on the very comfortable couch but when Draco sat next to him he got mad.

"Are you insane? I don't belong to you. You don't control me. I hate you so much right now. You hurt Ron and got mad when I hugged him. Back off." Harry yelled and slammed his door shut. Draco was mad. Harry needed to listen. Harry was HIS. Harry was his to control. He would care for Harry but he wanted him to submit. Harry is lucky he didn't just kill Weasel and mud blood. 

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