Chapter 4 - Leaving

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Thank you so much for all the support but I wanted to know if you wanted me to change the ships. This is a Drarry book but right now the other ships are Romione and Linny but those can be changed.

Information you will probably need for this:

Sirius is black

Tonks is mixed

Hermione is black

I don't know what to name Cho so suggestions would be great, please

Draco was about to leave the manor before he noticed the latest edition of the daily prophet was sitting on the counter. He wasn't going to open it until he noticed a picture of someone familiar. He picked it up and to his surprise, it was Harry Potter. He isn't in the prophet much anyway because Granger threatened them multiple times but this looked like a once in a lifetime story.

Harry Potter In A Skirt?

Harry Potter was spotted in Diagon alley today. Not many people have seen him after the war but it is suspected that he lives with his godfather and his husband. Many people saw him getting school supplies so we can only assume he is going back to Hogwarts for the eighth year. Harry was watched as he entered a second-hand clothing store and another high-end clothing store. Walking out of the first one he had a few bags which held makeup products and feminine clothing. He was with his friend Hermione Granger so most people assumed that he was holding her clothes for her.  He walked out of the second clothing store wearing a pink skirt and a black dress shirt along with makeup. You read that correctly, everyone's favorite golden boy was wearing makeup and a skirt. Many other boys around the area drooled over him. He seemed a lot shorter and more confident. What does this mean for him and everyone around him?

Draco stared in disbelief as he read the paper. He never guessed Harry Potter would ever put on a dress. He didn't believe it until he turned the page and there was a picture of Harry Potter in a dress. He felt a little jealous when he saw all the boys staring at Harry like that. He didn't know why but he wasn't happy about it. Draco made sure everything was secure before he left for Hogwarts. Hopefully, this year wouldn't be too bad.

Harry Potter was having a lot of trouble. He and Hermione woke up at 5:30 because they wanted to get ready for school. Hermione decided to wear her uniform even though it wasn't required. The twins left to go work at their joke shop and Charlie took Tonks to Romania for a month. Percy was frustrated with his new job. He worked as an assistant for an Auror and it wasn't very pleasant. Bill had to go work at Gringotts and Fluer went with him.

Sirius was in love with all the outfits Harry bought so he woke up early to help him get ready. Remus made everyone breakfast with the help of Mrs. Weasley. Mr. Weasley was getting cars for them to take and any guesses where Ronald is. Mhm, he is sleeping.

"Ronald if you don't get your ass up I will break up with you," Hermione yelled from downstairs as Harry was trying to do her makeup.

"Ron wake up you are making me mess up Hermione's beautiful face," Harry yelled right after. 

"I'm coming bloody hell, can't a guy sleep?" Ron said grumbling as he walked down the stairs half asleep. 

"No you have to get ready Hermione and I can't be the only ones dressed up you are part of the group too," Harry told Ron and went to do his own makeup. He wore a pleated skirt with a black dress shirt and his makeup was simple. 

"You should wear some makeup, Ron," Hermione told her boyfriend. He was busy stuffing his face but he looked up with wide eyes.

"I am not wearing makeup it will make me look gay," Ron said with a mouthful of food causing Hermione and Harry to cringe in disgust.

"Ron don't let your toxic masculinity keep you from wearing makeup. All I will do is fill in your eyebrows and cover your dark circles. It will only make you look awake," Harry tried to compromise.

"Fine, I guess," So Harry and Hermione got to work, and when they were done Ron was satisfied. Harry smiled at his work and Ron actually looked lively and willing to function. Hermione's makeup was beautiful and it went well with her dark skin. 

They were all done and decided it would be best to leave. For the first time, they were able to get on the train with no problems. Once they ran through the wall Harry and Hermione strutted all the way to the train. Ron stared behind to shocked to function much like many other students. Seamus and Dean who were a known couple stared at Harry and felt themselves drool.

They weren't concerned about the other students. Harry was just glad he was able to shock them all. Maybe Snape and Malfoy were right, he loved the attention. The positive attention because he hated it when people put him in danger at all times. He loved it when people appreciated his looks.

"Not that I'm not loving this but what's with all the stares. Never see someone as beautiful as us before? Hmm, we have been going to the same school for seven years now, guess you should just pay more attention," Harry yelled at the group of people.

Neville, Ginny, and Luna ran up to him giggling madly. Harry took this time to look at the changes Neville made over the war. There were a lot of those changes. He was taller and looked more confident in everything he did. Harry smiled at his friends. He can't believe any of them are still alive but he is grateful for them.

On the other side of the train, Draco was sitting in a compartment with his friends. Blaise tried not to laugh when Draco resisted the urge to growl. Pansy couldn't help it and laugh. Astoria Greengrass was hanging off his arm and he was very uncomfortable. He knew she thought they were engaged but it was really only his mother's doing. She wanted him to marry a respectful pureblood.

Draco was trying to relax then it suddenly hit him. The best smell he has ever smelt. He knew it was his mate so he stood up and headed towards the direction of which the smell was coming from. 

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