Chapter 6 - rooms

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Thank you all so much for the support. Please comment on what ships you would like to see. Also before I get any comments saying that's over-controlling or Draco is too possessive please remember that is the point. You can vote once per chapter.
So far these are the votes for what ships:

Pansmione: 2 votes

Linny: 1 vote

Nuna: 2 votes

Blon: 1 vote

Blansy: 1 vote

Romione: 1 vote

Bleville: 1 vote

What is everyone's Hogwarts house?

Draco sat quietly with Harry in his arms. He knows his little mate is not happy with him and it hurts to see but Harry is his and if people around them can't see that then they have a problem. He was very happy to see that Harry was his mate. Harry and he have great compatibility magic wise and he thinks that they will make great lovers.

The train soon stopped and Draco walked out with Harry in his arms. He saw many other students look confused and scared. He almost growled when someone glared at him after he glanced at Harry in his arms.

Draco was soon in the carriage with Harry on his lap. Pansy and Blaise soon joined and behind them were all of Harry's pathetic friends. The ride was silent but Draco observed all the people staring at the thestrals. He knew it was their first time seeing them but he didn't feel bad. He was going to explain to Harry why the light side was bad and why he should help him start another wizarding war.

He looked down when he felt movement and saw Harry's face scrunch up in a weird way. Draco found it adorable. Harry turned around so his face was in Draco's stomach. Draco started to run his fingers through Harry's hair and couldn't help but be thankful for Harry being asleep. He knew his little mate could see the thestrals but he didn't want Harry to see anyone else seeing them. He knew it would break his beautiful mate's heart.

The carriage ride soon ended and he stood up again with his mate in his arms. He knew he would have to eat dinner before he could speak to McGonagall. He knew that Harry would be really mad at him if he made him sit at the Slytherin table so he decided to just wake Harry up.

"Harry, I need you to wake up," Draco whispered in Harry's ear. Harry whined and lifted his head up from Draco's stomach. Once he woke up enough to realize what was happening he jumped up and glared at Draco.

"You used your pheromones to make me fall asleep. Stop trying to control me, you don't own me," Harry said furiously. Draco growled and forced Harry onto his lap. Harry struggled before giving up because clearly, Draco was too strong.

"Harry Darling, I own you. I control you. I can do whatever I want to you and you can't do anything about it. I am your dominant and I would appreciate it if you would stop denying my power over you," Draco whispered harshly into Harry's ear. Harry tensed but resisted the urge to cry. He wouldn't cry.

"Now my little beauty, I figured you wouldn't enjoy sitting at the Slytherin table so you can sit at the Gryffindor table but if anyone tries anything I will kill them right away. Okay, my sweet?" Draco asked Harry. harry only nodded in response. He just had his whole life taken away from him.

"Use your words baby," Draco told Harry.

"Yes, Malfoy I understand," Harry said through gritted teeth. He was going to finish dinner, run into his dorm, and send a letter to Tonks. Maybe they can help Harry. Draco didn't appreciate the disrespect and growled lowly under his breath.

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