Chapter 1 - Inheritance

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This could probably be considered gore so if you don't like that then I would skip this chapter and imagine how you want the characters to look. Tonks is genderfluid so their pronouns change every few chapters. Tonks is 25. I will attempt to draw Draco and Harry for this but I don't really think I'll be able to draw them that well.

Draco Malfoy was sitting alone in his room. He knew very well what was going to happen to him that night. His father had told him when he was fifteen. He was told that the second he turns eighteen he would turn into a half-demon and half wizard. Draco wasn't scared even though he knew it would hurt.

He was feeling quite lonely lately but he knew it was his inheritance getting ready. He would need to find his mate who he would love and cherish. He lived with his mother who he wasn't close to. His mother only married his father for money but was quite mad when she found out she didn't get any money or property because it all belonged to Draco.

Draco's father, Lucius, was sentenced to 2 years in Azkaban. He only became a death eater because he believed in everything the dark lord had to say but the dark lord soon grew insane and made change impossible. If Draco's demon geans are dominant enough and he had a powerful mate, he could make the change in the wizarding world that it so desperately needs.

He looked at his cloak and saw that it was only 11:36. This wasn't bad but he wanted the inheritance to just be over with. He was excited to meet his mate. Despite popular belief, Draco wasn't heartless. He wanted to hold his mate as they slept and he wanted to tell them how much he loved them.

Not that anyone knew but Draco really wanted his mate to be a boy. He never told anyone but he is gay. His first crush happened to be Potter. Potter's adorableness combined with his fiery attitude was perfect for Draco. Part of him wishes that he is his mate. Another part of him just wished he gets a boy. He would die if he had to mate with a girl.

He decided to lay down and wait until his inheritance happened. He didn't have to wait long before he felt a burn throughout his whole body. He heard bones breaking and skin ripping apart. It felt worse than the cruciatus curse.

He started to get a headache and nearly threw up with all the pain he was feeling. His clothes were all ripped apart and he was lying naked on his bed. He screamed loudly as he felt things start to grow. The blood started to stain the bed but he knew he could clean it. It was so painful and I eventually passed out.

Harry's POV:

It was June 4th and life was fine. I lived in Grimmauld place along with Sirius and Remus. Sirius was rescued after we discovered the veil kept him alive just in a different realm. They have been dating ever since and it is pretty cute. I smiled at them being adorable on the couch.

I went back to my room and let the tears fall. I felt guilty I knew it was my fault everyone died. I didn't want anyone too but we sadly lost lives. The only people that came close to death but didn't die happened to be Tonks, Sirius, and Remus. Tonks is like a sibling to me. They always have been.

Tonks has helped me a lot with my mental health a lot this year. They are currently helping me with my eating disorder and my self-harm problem. They are the only person I trusted to tell what was happening at school and at the Dursleys. I was the first person who found out they were genderfluid.

I stopped crying and smiled a bit. I haven't felt the urge to cut in so long. I went down to the kitchen and decided I would eat something. I year ago today I wouldn't have cared enough to eat and if I did I would have purged right when I finished. I haven't done that in a while and I'm so proud. Tonks is also very proud of me. 

I decided to make ramen. It was a delicious muggle meal that was so simple to make. I bought a lot of it when I went to the Asian market with Hermione.  I brought it up to my room and finished it quickly. I fell asleep but was soon woken up. I screamed once then passed out again.

Draco's POV:

I woke up the next morning rather early. I looked at the time and noticed it was 6:07. I don't normally wake up this early but I guess it had something to do with how sore I was. My head no longer hurt really bad but I could still faintly feel the ache. My back felt heavy and sore but I was able to stand up.

I decided to take a shower before I looked at what I looked like. I was excited but I knew I could be patient. I took a cold shower and saw all the blood go down the drain. It looked like I lost a lot but I didn't feel like it. My eyesight was never bad but it looked like I could see much clearer. I quickly finished my shower and wrapped a towel around my waist.

I walked back into my bedroom and sat on my bed. My father told me to write down what I looked like before my inheritance so I could see all the changes I went through. I looked through my journal and smiled. I missed my father but he would get out by the end of next year and I knew he wouldn't be affected by the dementors.

Before last night, I had grey-blue eyes and a stern face. My hair was platinum blonde and somewhat soft. I was 6'0 and lean. My hands held two rings, the Malfoy and the Black family ring. I knew multiple people had the Black family ring but it represented that I was apart of that family. My skin was pale but still held some color to it. I had no sign of a creature inheritance coming my way.

Now was the time to look in the mirror. I stood up and walked across the room, dropping my towel. I stepped in front of the mirror to look at my changes. I was taller than before and stood at 6'6 and my previous lean body that held muscles was now more muscular. My eyes were grey and almost silver. My once pale lively skin was now ghostly pale and it didn't look like I was alive. My hands still held the same two rings. 

I looked at my head and noticed I have now had two horns at the top of them. My white hair accented the pitch-black horns. They must have been the heaviness I felt this morning. I looked at my back and saw the wings I had. They too were also pitch-black and they surprisingly had feathers. They were kinda soft and had emerald green designs on them. 

I didn't want the horns and wings to be out so I tried to remember what my father told me. He told me to close my eyes and imagine myself without them on so that's what I did. I opened my eyes and instead of the horns I just saw my hair and instead of my wing I had a tattoo on my back. They were similar to my wings.

I admired myself in the mirror for a few more moments before I got dressed. Today I will spend time in the library and learn about submissive mates and how I will treat them. Every time I think of having a girl mate my inner demon growls so I'm assuming I have a male mate.

Harry's POV:

I woke up way later than I do usually and when I looked at the time it was 1:20. I passed pout with my glasses still on so I was very confused when I noticed that everything was blurry. I took them off and looked to see Tonks, Sirius, and Remus looking above me and they looked really concerned. 

"Oh thank merlin you are ok Haz," Tonks sighed into my shoulder. I smiled a bit then stood up. I stumbled a bit but caught myself. I looked into the mirror and nearly fainted again. My previous 5'7 was gone and I stood at 5'3 again. I just got taller. I huffed a bit. My eyes seemed like they glowed a bit more and my waist seemed a bit smaller but it wasn't much of a difference. 

"Harry! I think you're the submissive mate of someone," Remus said excitdly. I raised my eyebrows at him through my mirror. I knew but that meant but I want to know how he knew that I was. He rolled his eyes before answeing.

"You seem smaller and that's because your mate will want to protect you. You also seem to look more beautiful," I rolled my eyes and huffed dramticly. 

"I'm beautiful all the time Remus," I told him to which he rolled his eyes again.

"I meant that it is more noticable. Sirius is my submissive mate and people noticed that after we mated he looked beautiful. Obviously, I wasn't too happy about that. I think your mate will be very powerful and strong due to your magical strength," Remus informed me. I sighed and closed my eyes again as I hit my pillow. I'm going to the Weasleys tomorrow and Hermione and I can study about this. I know she will want to.

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