Chapter 8 - Talking Part Two

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Sorry I haven't updated in a few days. I burned my hand pretty bad the other day making ramen and it hurt to type. I won't update much this week or next week because I have to study for my finals.

Draco sat on the couch and thought over everything he did. Maybe he was a bit harsh and Harry didn't need to know that. He just wanted Harry to be safe and he didn't trust anyone yet. As much as Harry was his own person, Draco still owned him. He did want to apologize to Harry but Harry was in his room probably crying.

So Draco did the only thing reasonable, he planned on apologizing to Harry and making sure that he didn't need to cry anymore. He would tell Harry he would kill anyone who made him upset and he is now safe. And if Harry wants he can just stay in Draco's arms all day.

Harry was not crying. In fact, he just wanted to stay away from Draco and he wouldn't even care if Draco apologized to him. He had a lot of making up to do and just within the first 24 hours of finding Harry is his mate. Harry was writing a letter to Tonks.

Dear Tonks,

You'll never believe it. Draco Malfoy is my mate and he is being an asshole. I know I'm the sub in the relationship but I can look after myself. He nearly killed Ron the other day and growled, yes you read that right, at Denis when we hugged earlier today. He needs to learn I'm not an object and that I'm a human. 

Speaking of Denis, they are genderfluid as well and they told me something that they use to help people know their pronouns. Today his pronouns are he/him today. So he uses these bracelets or bands with different colors to represent which pronoun he is using. Pink is for she/her, blue is for he/him, and yellow is for they/they. Sometimes he mixes them for when he uses she/they or she/him. I thought you would enjoy this information and if you have any advice for me please tell me.


Harry Potter, the most beautiful person you have ever met

Harry finished writing the letter and smiled. Then he remembered he had to go send a letter in the owlery and to go there he has to pass Draco. He decided to use his Gryffindor courage and walk there. Draco looked up when he heard the door open and watched Harry walk out of his room. He immediately stood up and wrapped his arms around Harry who huffed. 

" Where are you going?" Draco whispered. 

"I'm sending a letter off," Harry whispered back. The silence was comforting and all Harry wanted to do was fall into Draco's strong arms and fall asleep. But he resisted those feelings.

"I was just going to send a letter off," Harry answered as he left Draco's arms. He would never admit it but he felt wrong to not be in his arms. Draco felt sad when Harry left his arms but was more concerned about who Harry was sending a letter to.

"Who are you sending a letter to?" Draco asked trying to keep the anger out of his voice. Harry looked up at Draco and for once felt like he needed to tell Draco the truth.

"Tonks, they are liking the sibling I've never had. Oh, and I'm assuming we will have family dinners with my family every once in a while so keep in mind they are genderfluid ok?"Harry asked him. Draco felt a lot better knowing that Harry didn't have a secret lover. He suddenly felt the need to apologize but he felt the best way to do that was just to let Harry send the letter off by himself.

So he sent Harry off to send the letter without even reading it and hoped Harry would be safe. Harry was quite shocked when he did this. He half expected Draco to go with him and half expected him to forbid him to send any letters. He decided to quickly send the letter off my wrote next to the address to tell the owl to send the letter directly to Harry and Draco's quarters.

Harry walked back quickly especially since it was getting cold and his hoodie did nothing to keep him warm. He opened the door and just as he expected Draco's arms were wrapped around him. This time they were lose so if he wanted to escape he could. He didn't though, mostly because it was cold a Draco kept him warm.

"I'm sorry," Draco mumbled. Harry's eyes widened, he did not expect Draco Malfoy to apologize to him.

"Thank you," Harry whispered back.

"I'm sorry for being too controlling and nearly killing your friend but Harry it's apart of my nature and it's really hard to overcome. I just want to protect you and my instincts are telling me that no one is allowed to look at you because you are mine but I can see how much you hate that," Draco told Harry. Harry just brushed his fingers through Draco's hair to help calm him down. He was really happy Draco apologized to him.

"It's ok Draco but you have to understand this is all new to me. I know you will feel useless and there is no real way for you to not act like that so I won't stop you but try not to attack my friends like that again," Harry answered. Draco nodded and Harry was soon picked off from the ground. He left out a squeal from shock but Draco laid down on the couch and cuddled Harry.

"Sleep," he whispered in Harry's ear. Harry didn't realize how late is was but he listened to Draco and fell asleep.

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